10 Foods To Cleanse Your Body Daily

Surely you know that famous saying “we are what we eat”. However, we often forget it and eat poorly; we eat too much fat, too many toxic foods for the body … How about then if we take care of ourselves a little more and add foods to purify the body to our diet?

The 10 best foods to cleanse the body

1. Lemons

They are a wonderful treasure of vitamin C that we cannot do without. Lemon pleases everyone and is very good for the body. It stands, without a doubt, as one of the foods that best cleanses the body.

This fruit has outstanding cleansing and antioxidant properties; It is a great stimulator of the gallbladder, improves liver function and is an excellent digestive. Why not start the day with a lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach?

2. Tomatoes

You can consume it in a rich salad, in a natural juice or to accompany a dinner together with a little lean meat or blue fish. Tomato, like lemon, is rich in vitamin C and protects the immune system.

Inside, it has many phytochemical substances capable of protecting many of our organs, fighting against free radicals and of course, purifying the body. Don’t put them aside; they are great for the health of the whole family.

3. Grape

Grapes are a fruit that cannot be missing from our diet. They reduce cholesterol, are diuretic and laxative; anyway,  don’t be afraid to consume its seeds.

In addition, grapes help us eliminate toxins from the body, clean the blood and improve intestinal transit and liver function. Red grapes are said to be the healthiest, as they have the beneficial resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant.

4. Celery

Celery combines with almost any food and is also very suitable for making rich smoothies. If you mix it, for example, with beets and apple, you will get a natural juice that is incredibly beneficial for your health.

Celery is an excellent alternative in food to purify waste from our body. There is even more: it is a diuretic, good for the intestines, rich in fiber and a great facilitator of blood circulation.

Did you know that consuming three stalks of celery a day substitutes even the five recommended servings of fruits and vegetables? That’s how it is; It is a natural source of vitamin C, essential for well-being.

5. Asparagus


Its diuretic function allows us to eliminate toxins through urine. They are fabulous and you can combine them in any dish. With them, you  will get vitamin C, beta carotene, antioxidants, fiber, potassium and folic acid.  Consume them whenever you can.

6. Apple

Nothing better than an apple a day, whatever kind it may be. According to experts, the apple is the best fruit to eliminate toxins and purify the body.

Its secret is basically due to its pectin content, which makes it capable of regulating cholesterol, taking care of neurological health, improving digestion and, of course, acting as a purifier and purifier, thanks to the combination of fiber and pectin.

If we eat an apple for breakfast, we will be able to feel satiated for several hours, we will purify the body and avoid constipation. It is also very suitable if you suffer from stomach pain. You can consume it naturally, in pieces in salads and in rich natural juices.

7. Granada

You can include it in your salads or make natural juices with it. Pomegranate is a healing fruit with diuretic properties, high fiber, low sugar, and rich antioxidants.

It has a high content of vitamin C and there are many studies that tell us that it has the capacity to fight against various types of cancer, thanks to its action against free radicals, like all antioxidants. A glass of pomegranate juice has three times more antioxidants than a glass of green tea.

8. Onion

The onion acts as a natural antibacterial, capable of eliminating numerous toxic and harmful elements from the body. It is ideal for asthma, for nasal congestion and for cleaning the intestines and purifying the blood. Include it in your salads and in your meals whenever you can, as it is also very diuretic.

9. Artichoke


Artichokes are one of the best vegetables you can eat. They are allies of the liver, eliminate fluid retention and detoxify it. Likewise, they are also rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, improve digestion, relieve gas, diarrhea, constipation and are suitable for irritable bowel movements.

In addition, the artichoke has few calories, stimulates the flow of bile and stands as one of the best foods to cleanse the body. Are you going to resist its kindness?

10. Parsley

Parsley has a strong flavor and is a good seasoning for meals. However, have you ever tried making yourself a parsley tea as an infusion? It is ideal for the mid-afternoon; in this way, you cleanse the liver, intestine and kidneys.

Parsley, as you already know, is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.  Its virtue is the stimulation of the excretion of sodium and water. It is a great natural diuretic to take care of your health.

If you add all these foods to purify the body in your daily diet, you will be doing your body a great favor. As you can see, they are easy to get and can be mixed with many foods; Keep them in mind!

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