10 Natural Remedies To Stop Caffeine

If we do not want to experience adverse effects when giving up caffeine we must include in our diet foods that provide us with enough energy but without side effects

Giving up caffeine is a big challenge for those who consume it consistently. Most societies accept caffeine consumption as normal.

It is a natural stimulant found in coffee, refreshments , chocolate, energy drinks and even tea.

Despite being so common, when consumed in excess it is very harmful to the body.

If you suffer from constant insomnia, anxiety and stress, you probably need to give up caffeine.  Once you decide to give up caffeine, withdrawal symptoms are likely to appear.

This will make it more difficult to reach your goal, but you can try some natural home remedies based on dietary changes.

The foods that we mention are excellent natural remedies to stop caffeine and you can consume them without any risk.

In addition, they are an excellent source of energy. They do not bring collateral damage to your body, on the contrary they give a plus to your quality of life.

1. Green vegetables

Eat leafy green foods like spinach, chard, cabbage, and broccoli .   Due to their high iron content, they help increase energy in the body. In turn, they balance pH in the blood and strengthen your immune system.

  • You can make a green smoothie instead of your morning coffee.
  • In this way, you nourish your body while detoxifying it from caffeine.

2. Green tea
Green Tea

Green Tea

The Green Tea it is the best option when you decide to quit caffeine. It can be consumed at any time and is one of the greatest natural antioxidants for the body.

It also contributes to the elimination of free radicals, thus giving the body greater vitality without causing addiction.

3. Plums and blueberries

You can prepare a smoothie for any time you want. They are excellent for breakfast, because that is when your body asks for more caffeine.    Also consume them in the lunch or dinner.

  • You can have it prepared to drink whenever you feel the need to consume caffeine.

4. Citrus fruits

Consuming fruits that are high in vitamin C not only helps to avoid caffeine cravings, but also counteract withdrawal symptoms that can be presented when you leave it.

  • Make a juice for noon or dress salads with lemon or orange juice.
  • Drinking citrus fruit juices also helps you eliminate toxins.

5. Royal jelly

Royal jelly

It is a great source of energy, even better than caffeine. Consume a tablespoon in the breakfast will help you activate your body and, at the same time, regenerate cells.

6. Milk with honey

It is common for you to crave something sweet. This is a call from the body to receive that extra energy that caffeine gives it.

  • However, it is not a good idea to consume sweets that are too caloric .
  • Instead, have a glass of milk sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.

7. Yogurt

It is an excellent ally to boost your day. You can eat it on its own or make a smoothie with one or two fruit for the morning and mid afternoon.

  • Provides the body with energy, counteracting states of discouragement or discomfort you may have from giving up caffeine.

8. Healthy energy candies

You can find a wide variety of candies that help you get off caffeine. The most recommended are coconut, ginger, peanut and cinnamon.

They serve to put you in the mood and you can find them easily. Just remember not to exceed your consumption.

9. Cereals and grains

They are rich in zinc, potassium and magnesium. These three minerals provide great benefits to the body, mainly in terms of energy intake.

  • Increase the consumption of rice and other cereals such as oats, wheat, quinoa and barley.

10. Seedssunflower-seeds


The increase in caffeine consumption is due to the body’s need to stay alert . The seeds are ideal to fill that need without damaging the body.

The best options are:

  • Sunflower.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Almonds
  • Sesame or  sesame.

The effects of quitting caffeine

Maybe until now you haven’t seen the need to give up caffeine. However, the effects of withdrawal do not usually go unnoticed, so they show a clear addiction.

We tell you the changes that you will see in your body and that will be solved thanks to the natural remedies that we mentioned before:

  • Headaches: They occur when you are not taking your usual daily dose of caffeine.
  • Depression : You start to feel sad and unmotivated for no apparent reason.
  • Constipation : Regular consumption of caffeine allows a constant movement of the intestines. When you decide to give up this product they will likely become slow.  Hence the importance of modifying the diet.
  • Nasal problems : If you have started an eating routine with no caffeine, it is common for you to start to have a runny or stuffy nose even if you don’t have a cold.
  • Sleep and lethargy: By permanently leaving caffeine, the body begins to feel low energy and states of apathy.

We only mention the 5 most annoying and obvious effects, but there are many more. Usually, giving up caffeine has consequences.

The natural remedies to quit that we have recommended replace the energy provided by caffeine with a healthier one.

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