12 Foods To Strengthen Liver Function

Optimizing liver function is easier if we include the right foods in the diet and dispense with everything that can harm us, such as trans fats, sugar and alcohol .

Regular consumption of some healthy foods can help improve liver function. Although we usually ignore it, diet is decisive for this organ to work optimally. Even as a publication in Molecular Aspects of Medicine points out , foods rich in antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids are beneficial.

The importance of the liver

We underestimate the liver task and think that “it is one more organ” next to the lungs, the stomach or the heart. However, its function is almost as important as providing oxygen or pumping blood. The liver has the heavy job of removing toxins that build up in the body.

This means that, thanks to it, the body is cleaner. The problem lies in the overload of liver function: when the organ has to excrete too much “garbage” it becomes saturated and stops meeting its goal. This results in various diseases and symptoms.

In turn, as a publication by the National Center for Biotechnology Information indicates , the liver is responsible for producing bile, a second way to detoxify the body and metabolize fats and proteins from the food we eat.

If this organ does not function properly, the body does not have the ability to cleanse itself or absorb nutrients. The eyes, brain, heart, and kidneys depend on the liver to function. The blood needs it to excrete substances like alcohol, for example.

It is essential for destroying diseased red blood cells, breaking down hemoglobin and insulin, as well as for storing minerals and vitamins.

Foods to improve liver function

Foods that improve liver function are those that contain substances such as antioxidants, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals. Although many times we ignore it, nutrition is essential when it comes to preventing and treating problems associated with this organ.

In fact, in a recent publication in the journal Nutrients , it was concluded that patients diagnosed with liver disease should assess their nutritional status immediately and be supported by appropriate dietary interventions. The reason? This can help improve your quality of life and prevent complications. Let’s see some recommended foods.

1. Garlic

White garlic heads and cloves

Consumption of garlic is associated with better liver function. In fact, a study published in the journal  Advanced Biomedical Research found that eating garlic helps reduce weight and fat content in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Both compounds are necessary to cleanse the liver. In addition, this fruit contains naringenin and naringin that, according to studies, help protect the liver from injury.

3. Lentils

It is one of the legumes that can improve liver tasks thanks to its high levels of an amino acid called arginine. This component helps rid the body of ammonia, the toxicity of which triggers neurological problems, such as confusion and fatigue.

4. Cruciferous

Broccoli to cleanse the colon

This family of vegetables is made up of broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and red cabbage, among others. They help improve liver health, as they contain chemicals that help us neutralize toxins.

For example, it is recommended that smokers consume crucifers to excrete the nitrosamines found in cigarette smoke.

5. Green tea

The property of this infusion is known for being a perfect antioxidant. It has the ability to promote the elimination of fat that accumulates in the liver and, therefore, optimizes liver function.

A meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine concluded that consuming green tea on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of liver disease. 

6. Tomato

In addition to being very rich and full of water, the tomato has a substance called glutathione that, according to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology , helps protect the liver from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

7. Leafy vegetables

Arugula, spinach and chard are vegetables that cannot be absent from the diet. They provide us with many “antioxidant” components that neutralize the action of heavy metals that damage the liver, stimulate the creation of bile and eliminate pesticides and herbicides used in plantations.

8. Lemon

Lemons in half.

There are many properties of this citrus and therefore it can never be missing at home. Among its benefits we can highlight the fact that it helps to take care of the health of the liver, promoting its functions and reducing the risk of diseases.

9. Avocado

This delicious fruit of American origin promotes liver functions, as it contains healthy fats and antioxidant compounds. Consuming an avocado a week can help prevent failure in this organ. Consume it as a substitute for mayonnaise or for a starter!

10. Turmeric

Coinciding with a study published in the journal Nutrients , turmeric is a healthy spice for liver care. According to this publication, curcumin, the main active compound in turmeric, helps protect and treat liver diseases, inhibiting oxidative stress. 

11. Walnuts

This dried fruit contains a good dose of arginine, glutathione and Omega 3 fatty acids, the latter considered as “the good fats”. A publication in the World Journal of Gastroenterology highlights that this food improves liver function, as it improves the levels of liver enzymes.

12. Beet

Beet juice has been used as an adjuvant to improve liver health. Its high content of antioxidants fight oxidative stress and inflammation, two factors that increase the risk of liver disease.

Consuming these foods as part of a healthy and balanced diet can help maintain healthy liver functions. However, it is preferable to consult the nutritionist for better guidance on how the diet should be.

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