3 Home Remedies For Scabies

Scabies or scabies is a disease caused by a parasite called Sarcoptes scabiei.   This mite lodges in the skin and it is very difficult to identify the first symptoms.

The Sarcoptes scabiei penetrates the skin and causes an allergic reaction which, if not treated, cause a secondary infection. If a fast and effective treatment for scabies is sought, it will only be a temporary problem.

However, it must be borne in mind that it is a contagious problem that can spread easily through close physical contact between family, school groups, nursing homes and the like. For this reason, when it is detected, health professionals advise treating entire exposed groups.

Symptoms of scabies

According to a publication in the British Medical Journal , scabies symptoms begin to manifest within two to six weeks after the initial infestation. However, reinfestation can cause symptoms within 48 hours.

One of the most obvious symptoms is intense itching that, especially at night, cannot be controlled.  Small red bumps appear at first and, when it is in a more advanced stage,  you may see scabs or scabs.

  • The mites look for the folds and crevices in the body : between the fingers, wrists, elbows, butt, nipples and even in private parts.
  • However, you have to be careful, because they also hide in accessories such as watches, bracelets, belts and rings.

It is very important that you take into account that these symptoms appear and disappear, but that does not mean the infection is gone.

How do you fight scabies?

First, when scabies is suspected, the doctor looks for signs of the disease such as the characteristic burrows. If you identify the latter, the professional scrapes the skin to examine it under a microscope. However, in the presence of symptoms, it is necessary to start treatment even before confirming the diagnosis.

The treatment of scabies consists of the application of some medicines that fight the infection and control the symptoms. As highlighted by the Mayo Clinic , the most common are:

  • Permethrin cream (Elimite). A topical cream that kills scabies mites and their eggs.
  • Lindane lotion. For exclusive use by people who cannot tolerate other treatments.
  • Crotamiton (Eurax). It is available in cream or lotion. It is applied once a day, for 2 days.
  • Ivermectin (Stromectol). It is an oral medicine that is recommended in people with altered immune systems or who do not respond to conventional treatments.

For proper use of these medications it is important to have the supervision of the doctor. The professional will be in charge of determining the safe dose in each case. In addition, it will inform about its side effects and contraindications.

Home remedies to treat scabies

Far from being a substitute for treatment prescribed by the doctor, home remedies are options that can be considered when it comes to calming certain specific discomforts. However, everything will depend on the case and the professional’s recommendations.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera to treat scabies

Thanks to its properties, aloe vera can be a good option to soothe itchy skin. In addition, it is capable of regenerating, reducing inflammation and healing the affected area.

In fact, in a non-comparative study carried out at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, it was determined that aloe vera gel can be as effective as benzyl benzoate in the treatment of scabies.

Thanks to its moisturizing and repairing properties, its application contributes significantly to the relief of the skin. In addition, its use is safe and does not usually cause side effects even if it is used for a long time.


  • Aloe vera gel.


  • Wash the injured area very well.
  • Next, apply a generous layer of aloe vera gel and wait 30 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

2. Tea tree essential oil

Applying tea tree essential oil can help soothe the itch associated with scabies. However, it cannot remove the eggs that are buried in the skin. Despite this, a study published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene found that it has promising effects in the treatment of scabies.


  • 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)


  • First, wash the inflamed area very well.
  • Then mix both oils.
  • Moisten a piece of cotton and apply to the affected area.
  • Repeat the steps twice a day, for 3 weeks.

3. White vinegar

White vinegar to treat scabies

There is no evidence to show the safety and efficacy of white vinegar against scabies. However, in popular culture it has been used as an alternative remedy to soothe discomforts such as itching and irritation. If you want to try it, follow the instructions below.


  • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


  • First combine the amounts of water and vinegar in a bowl.
  • With the help of cotton, apply to the affected area.
  • Wait 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat the application 3 times a day, for 15 days.


  • If you have itching, burning and the inflamed area, avoid contact with other people.
  • Do not share your clothes or objects of daily use.
  • Wash bedspreads and sheets very well to eliminate mites.
  • If the discomfort does not let you sleep or your body is cut, go immediately to the doctor.

Once again, we remind you that home remedies should never replace conventional medical treatment, since it is still necessary to deepen their effectiveness. In any case, they could be used as adjuvants to calm some of the symptoms of the infection.

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