3 Tips To Avoid Iron Damage To Your Hair

Having healthy and manageable hair is of great relevance in the image of each person. So much so that many women resort to the use of some instruments with heat to improve their appearance. For this reason, it is important to know how you can avoid the damage of the iron in your hair.

It is no mystery to anyone that these practices could cause more damage to hair than meets the eye. Luckily, there are several alternatives to take care of it and favor its conditions. Know what they are, incorporate them into your routine and say goodbye to split ends and frizz .

3 tips to avoid iron damage to your hair

iron hair

For a long time, women have used elements and components to improve the appearance of hair, even, no matter how affected its health is. For its part, the iron is one of the most used artifacts, since it achieves a very pleasant effect when combing it.

However, although great results are achieved with respect to the image, it can also cause enormous deterioration on the strands. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science states that Temperatures above 200 ° C can cause significant damage to the keratin of the hair.

This is a protein present in the skin, hair and nails that performs a protective, waterproofing and elasticity function. Therefore, if you are one of the people who does not leave the house without using this device, take note of the following tips to avoid the damage of the iron on your hair.

1. Protect the scalp

homemade hair straightening creams

Tip number one revolves around protecting your hair before using the iron. This is important, since the heat given off by this implement is very strong, which can cause burns, dryness and a high probability of making the strands brittle.

To compensate for some of the damage, it is best to use a thermal protector. This works as a shield to protect your hair from high temperatures. There are many products with these benefits on the market, and most are suitable for all hair types. Find yours and use it before ironing out.

2. Use a good quality iron

straightening iron 2

Like cosmetic products used for the face, the use of a good iron is essential to avoid damage to the hair. Although there are many brands and styles on the market that promise different results, the truth is that, in this case, quality comes first.

For example, not all plates have the option of regulating the temperature, therefore, when buying, this is the first point that must be taken into account, not to say that it is the most important. In addition, to help mold the heat and distribute it evenly throughout the hair, it is best to use those with ceramic coating.

On the other hand, if you do not do the styling process at home but in a beauty salon or hairdresser, it is also recommended to ask what type of iron they are going to use. Even just that once, using a poor quality one can burn your hair in seconds.

3. Detangle the hair

How many people have not suffered hair pulling when ironing it? If you are one of those who is used to doing it without untangling it well, you will understand perfectly what is being referred to. These jerks occur when the ironing process is rough or the hair is very tangled.

Beyond the pain that can be felt, this also causes great damage. The recommendation revolves around removing all knots before ironing to prevent the strands from breaking easily. This advice applies to any type of hair, since practically everyone is usually a victim of entanglement.

Avoid the damage of the iron on your hair, what else can you do?

We know that the use of implements to straighten or comb hair is almost mandatory at the time of a special event or in everyday life. These help to achieve a more manageable and pleasant mane. However, it is essential that you do not forget to apply the tips that we detail in the previous list to avoid the damage of the iron on your hair.

In addition to this, there are other practices that you can carry out for this purpose. For example, waiting for the hair to be dry, as well as using argan oil after ironing to restore shine and reduce frizz.  Also, it is essential to set the temperature and not exceed 190 ° C, to avoid burns. Don’t forget that hair health comes first.

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