5 Best Home Remedies That Will Help You Reduce Inflammation Of The Tonsils

If you woke up with difficulty swallowing, discomfort and your mouth, you probably have inflamed tonsils. A condition that has different origins: viruses, bacteria, acid reflux, allergies … For this reason,  we will tell you how to reduce inflammation of the tonsils so that your day is more bearable.

You can also notice this discomfort if you see red, white spots or dilated blood vessels in the area. Surely, at first you do not give importance to this ailment, but keep in mind that if you do not treat it in time it can cause more pain, suffocation and breathing difficulties.


5 Best Home Remedies That Will Help You Reduce Inflammation Of The Tonsils

The tonsils are located in the throat just behind and above the tongue. They are part of the lymphatic vascular system, involved in the immune system.

We speak of tonsillitis when the tonsils become inflamed as a result of the presence of a virus or bacteria. This pathology is suffered in greater proportion by children. However, you must be careful because we can all suffer from it.

Causes of tonsillitis

Viruses and bacteria are responsible for causing tonsillitis to appear. The most common cases have their origin in viruses and, to a lesser extent, in bacteria and it is rare that it is generated by a parasite or fungus.

Signs and symptoms

The sign that something is wrong is a sore throat and the color of your tonsils. If they are red take action immediately. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Throat ulcers.
  • Fever.
  • Bad breath.
  • Pain.
  • Bulging lymph nodes

Tips to reduce inflammation of the tonsils

5 Best Home Remedies That Will Help You Reduce Inflammation Of The Tonsils

From your home it is very easy to deflate the tonsils. The following tips will help you feel better:

  • Gargle with salt water : just mix a cup of water with salt, let it sit for two minutes, and gargle.
  • Do not eat very hot foods : cold foods help reduce inflammation. If you opt for hot foods such as soups or broths, make sure they are not too hot.
  • Hydrate yourself : to reduce inflammation of the tonsils it is important to have correct hydration. In this process, avoid carbonated and sugary drinks.

5 home remedies to combat this discomfort

Home remedies are other great allies. Here we are going to tell you what to use and how to prepare them. Of course, remember to seek professional advice to determine what is the most appropriate.

1. Lemon, honey and salt

The vitamin C contained in lemon is ideal to reduce inflammation of the tonsils, as it helps to stimulate the immune system. This nutrient also protects tissues and helps reduce inflammation caused by blows or injuries.

In this case, in a glass add warm water the juice of three lemons, a pinch of salt and half a tablespoon of honey to sweeten. With this drink you will eliminate all the microorganisms that cause a sore throat.

2. Turmeric and black pepper

Turmeric is a root that has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its high curcumin content. The advantage of this combination is that turmeric does not cause side effects as occurs with drugs. You just have to prepare an infusion with boiled water, a piece of turmeric root and black pepper.

3. Beetroot with carrot or cucumber

The healing properties of vegetables are undeniable and if you combine them in the form of juice, it will be a fun way to consume them. Add equal parts of beetroot, carrot or cucumber in a blender and drink it once a day. This juice will help you strengthen your immune system and fight all the foreign agents that cause or caused inflammation.

4. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek is a plant with aphrodisiac, stimulant, antiparasitic, laxative, diaphoretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You just have to boil its seeds in water for half an hour. Let stand, strain and gargle with the liquid.

5. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is well known for its medicinal properties, especially the anti-inflammatory ones. On this occasion, after preparing an infusion with chamomile, squeeze a lemon and sweeten it with honey. With these remedies the tonsils should be deflated.

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