5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Pineapple Water

Did you know that pineapple water is ideal for fighting inflammation and that, thanks to its diuretic properties, it helps us expel retained fluids?

Drinking pineapple water is a natural remedy that provides us with many health benefits. The pineapple, whose scientific name is Ananas comosus, is the fruit of a perennial plant of the bromeliad family, from South America. It is one of the most valued at a nutritional level, not only for its vitamin and mineral content, but also for its contribution of enzymes, antioxidants and fiber.

It has been used since ancient times for multiple culinary purposes, since its flavor between sour and sweet goes very well in the preparation of drinks, desserts and pastries. In addition, due to its medicinal properties, it has been highlighted as a supplement to combat inflammation, digestive problems and a variety of other conditions.

Although in its natural state it provides many health benefits, some choose to prepare it in water to take advantage of the properties it has both in the pulp and in the skin. As we know that many want to try it in this way, in the following space we will tell you how to prepare it and what are the reasons for including it in the diet.

How to prepare pineapple water at home?


Pineapple water has become a delicious alternative to keep the body hydrated. It helps to meet the daily water requirements and, in addition to this, it provides a plus of essential nutrients.


  • ½ pineapple with peel.
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).


  • Cut the pineapple into several cubes, without removing its skin.
  • Put the pieces in a pot of water and bring it to a boil, over low heat, for 5 minutes.
  • Let it sit at room temperature, until it is warm or cold.

Consumption mode

  • Filter the water with a strainer and, without adding sugar or sweeteners, consume a glass on an empty stomach.
  • Distribute the remaining water for several drinks throughout the day.

Reasons to drink pineapple water regularly

Regular consumption of pineapple water provides important benefits to the body. Although many choose to prepare it as a remedy, in reality,  it can be taken at any time as a preventive measure against some conditions.

1. It is detoxifying

The preparation of pineapple in water helps to concentrate its amount of digestive enzymes that, in the body, support the detoxification process.

These substances, in addition to their antioxidant compounds, support the functions of excretory organs such as the liver and kidneys to achieve optimal elimination of waste. This is evidenced by a study published in Biomedical Reports.

  • Helps purify the blood, improving the cellular oxygenation process.
  • It has a slight laxative effect on the colon, which prevents constipation.
  • Cleanses waste from the kidneys and prevents the formation of stones.

2. Fight inflammation

Bromelain, the enzyme that pineapple contains, has been shown to act as a natural anti-inflammatory on tissues, reducing the ailments associated with inflammatory disorders.

By concentrating on pineapple water, it serves as a supplement to treat the symptoms of arthritis and bone diseases.

  • Reduces excessive gas production and prevents abdominal inflammation.
  • Decreases the accumulation of uric acid, which causes gout and stones.

3. Rehydrates the body


Pineapple water is one of the healthy drinks that can rehydrate the body from the loss of fluids and mineral salts.

It contains high levels of potassium and magnesium, essential minerals that regulate electrolyte levels to keep cells hydrated.

  • It quenches the sensation of thirst and regulates the pH of saliva.
  • Improves circulation and helps maintain muscle health.
  • Keeps skin and hair hydrated.
  • Helps prevent the feeling of fatigue and cramps.

    4. Combat fluid retention

    Another of the main benefits of pineapple bromelain is that it acts as a natural diuretic when it is assimilated into the body.

    Patients who tend to retain fluids are the people who will benefit the most from this property, since pineapple water promotes its elimination.

    This, in turn, serves to:

    • Prevent high blood pressure.
    • Avoid joint inflammation.
    • Prevent circulatory difficulties.

    5. Helps to lose weight

    lose weight

    This natural drink has very few calories. In addition, it contains natural sugars and essential nutrients that promote weight loss for the following reasons:

    • Its dietary fiber improves digestion and helps prolong the feeling of fullness. In fact, regular fiber consumption has been shown to regulate appetite.
    • Its purifying action cleanses the body and prevents interference in the functioning of the metabolism.
    • It helps to control the accumulation of lipids and supports their breakdown.
    • It favors the use of glucose as a source of energy for the body.

    Include pineapple water in your diet

    Did you know about these benefits of pineapple water? Now that you know why it is so popular, go ahead and try it and see that it is wonderful for well-being. Always introduce it in the context of a balanced diet.

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