5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Eyesight

The sense of sight allows people to know the environment around them, to know and become familiar with other people after meeting them, and to capture and interpret signals. In addition, it is valuable when doing simple and everyday activities such as appreciating details of a landscape, reading, driving or using the computer and mobile.

Taking care of your vision is related to a series of basic tips that range from taking care of your diet, drinking enough fluids to maintain optimal hydration, wearing sunglasses – especially during the summer – and in the case of wearing corrective lenses, then taking care hygiene to avoid the appearance of any fungus.

There are others that, below, are detailed in 5 tips that can be useful to take care of your eyesight.

Tips to take care of your eyesight

Sometimes they are made on efforts that involve sight and could affect it in the medium and long term. A common example is doing office work where the hours are between 6 and 8 hours sitting in front of a computer screen to which the brightness of the screen has not been adjusted.

In addition to this, the mobile phone is usually used during moments of rest. The result: tired eyes, heavy eyelids, headaches, etc. To prevent this from happening, it is suggested to implement the following tips.

Watch what you eat


Some of the inherited retinal diseases are inherited retinal dystrophies (DHR). These are diseases that lead to the degeneration of the photoreceptor cells of the retina, therefore, to the loss of vision.

This information is provided by this research from the Congress of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society. Here it is explained that the consumption of some vitamins and minerals have a positive influence on the prevention of eye diseases.

The evidence comes from several scientific studies that were applied to patients. They indicated that supplements containing vitamins A, C and E have a positive effect on eyesight thanks to their beta-carotene composition.

It is not about eating just a few carrots every day, since the purpose of taking care of the quality of the food that is consumed is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet that includes the necessary vitamins to take care of our eyesight.

Protect yourself from the sun … even in winter

Some people like to wear sunglasses to show them off and look good, but … Do they only do it in summer? Do they choose them just for fashion reasons? The US Environmental Protection Agency, through this research, explains that solar radiation can damage the eyes and with them the retina, this can even cause cataracts.

Cataracts are a vision disorder that consists of the loss of transparency of the lens and cloudy vision. If left untreated, cataracts can lead to blindness. Research has shown that ultraviolet radiation increases the chance of developing certain types of cataracts. 

For this reason, it is suggested to wear sunglasses, even in winter. These can take care of the penetration of ultraviolet rays. You can look for glasses in the aesthetic sense, take care that they fit the face, that they are not very open on the sides but that with this they can protect from the sun.

Beware of computers

Sometimes technology habits at work can cause eye inflammation or irritation. As for the use of the computer, the ideal is to keep it at a distance of 50 centimeters from our face.

The 20/20 technique is also remembered: for every twenty minutes in front of the computer, rest your eyes for twenty seconds. How? You can see a fixed point on the horizon during that period of time, you can even close your eyes, thus relaxing your vision a bit.

It is important to attend to the lighting c hen using the computer or television. It is believed that not lighting the environment correctly while using the backlit screens can lead to problems with the adaptation of the retina to light. This in the long term would result in vision problems.

Do you hydrate your eyes?


Sometimes the eyes can dry out, this can have several causes. This information from the Spanish National Health System explains that there are dry eyes due to neurological and nutritional deficits, also due to senile involution, infectious causes and environmental reasons.

This is known as dry eye syndrome. This is a chronic disease that is usually progressive and in some cases can be successfully controlled by applying drops or artificial tears that have been recommended by a doctor.

The eyes, like the skin, need a certain amount of moisture to maintain their balance. Hence, it is necessary to hydrate them from time to time.

Regular eye exams


It does not hurt that at least once a year, a visit to an ophthalmologist is made. Sometimes you may be suffering an injury or a problem of which you are not aware. It is recommended to check the prescription of your glasses, if you wear them.

With the arrival of adulthood it is common to begin to lose visual acuity, to notice that it is difficult to read from far or near, that the sharpness is less, etc. If this happens, it is advisable to visit the specialist to offer a treatment for these symptoms.

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