6 Benefits You Will Enjoy When Eating Broccoli

Broccoli is part of the so-called cruciferous vegetables, whose nutritional qualities have been valued for their health benefits. Thus, it is usually not an illusion to eat broccoli.

Although for years its consumption was not preferred by people, today many are beginning to incorporate it into their diets to take advantage of all the properties that act in favor of the body.

Thus, 100 grams of this vegetable could provide up to 150% of the daily intake of vitamin C. In addition, it is also rich in vitamin K, the B complex, iron or zinc, among other essential nutrients.

Due to its richness in antioxidant compounds and essential minerals, regular intake could have a protective effect against the development of cancer.

For all this, for some years now, the scientific community has focused on conducting research to determine how good it is to eat broccoli more frequently in the diet.

Next we are going to reveal 6 important benefits that you can enjoy if you start eating this food more regularly.

1. It could lower the risk of cancer

Eating broccoli may lower your risk of cancer

A study carried out by Oregon State University and the Texas A&M Health Sciences Center, in the United States, pointed out that the consumption of broccoli prevents and helps stop the advance of cancer.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables have a complex chemical makeup. Thus, it has been difficult to find exactly which are those compounds that act against cancer

However, so far it has been determined that it could be effective in reducing the risk of colorectal, prostate and even breast cancer.

Apparently, its phytochemical agents, sulforaphane and its phytonutrients are responsible for this effect. The scientists clarified that, in addition to the consumption of broccoli, additional doses would be required in supplement form to obtain the effect. However, the degree of safety of a high consumption of this product has not yet been verified.

2. Richness of antioxidants

According to data from the Segura Center for Applied Edaphology and Biology (CEBAS), broccoli has a high antioxidant capacity; offers protection against free radicals, responsible for aging.

The oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the environment are generating a damaging impact on the cells of the body, affecting the skin and internally.

The antioxidants in broccoli work effectively to inhibit these dangerous particles. Thus, inflammation, premature aging and the risk of chronic diseases decrease.

A clear example is vitamin C, whose action supports oxygen metabolism when accompanied by certain flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol (contained in this vegetable).

3. Improves visual health

Improves visual health

Broccoli contains a significant amount of riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2. This vitamin helps the eyes adapt to changes in light.

A deficiency of this nutrient can lead to inflammation, blurred vision and eye fatigue. On the other hand, taking it in moderation could prevent cataracts or stop their growth.

On the other hand, an investigation carried out by the “Santiago Grisolía” Ophthalmological Research Unit of the Doctor Peset University Hospital in Valencia, pointed out that broccoli protects from the sun and strengthens the eye macula.

Broccoli is a source of two carotenoids that play a role in eye health. These are lutein and zeaxanthin.

Both reduce the risks of developing conditions associated with the macula of the eye, such as macular degeneration and problems in the lens area of ​​the eye.

4. Protect the heart

One of the nutrients that are required to achieve a balance in cholesterol levels is fiber. Broccoli contains this substance in significant quantities. That is why it could be very useful to eat broccoli for patients who have high levels of this lipid substance.

In addition to this, it provides sulforaphane. This is a substance that activates a protein in the body to stop the creation of plaque in the blood vessels, as confirmed by research carried out by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil.

Patients at risk of cardiovascular disease should eat this vegetable in its raw state to take advantage of all its properties.

5. Eating broccoli prevents and controls diabetes


Foods high in fiber but low in calories are perfect for preventing and managing diabetes.

In fact, a study carried out by the University of Lund in Malmö (Sweden) and published in the journal Science Translational Medicine , points out that a concentrate of this vegetable helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.

A ½ cup serving of broccoli can provide 5 grams of fiber and only 50 calories ; In addition, it also contains beneficial substances to prevent this disease from causing damage to blood vessels.

6. Improves bone health

Research carried out in the United States and published by the National Institutes of Health indicates that the consumption of vegetables in general, and broccoli in particular, is associated with a lower risk of fractures. In addition, this vegetable promotes bone turnover in postmenopausal women.

This cruciferous is a source of calcium and vitamin K. These are essential nutrients for the strengthening of bones and the formation of osteocalcin.

Thus, eating broccoli is highly recommended for women reaching the menopausal stage. This is because the decrease in estrogen can cause loss of bone density.

Include it in your diet!

Being aware of how beneficial this food is, from now on it is good to consider eating it more frequently.

The most recommended is to consume it raw so as not to alter its nutritional composition, since when subjected to the heat of steam or cooking it can lose some of its anti-cancer qualities.

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