6 Enemies Of Your Brain Health That You Should Ward Off

Some foods that we include on a regular basis in our diet could be deteriorating our brain health over time. Try to limit its consumption to promote brain function.

Brain health depends on many internal and external factors. Although many diseases that alter the functioning of the brain can have genetic origin, the recurrent practice of certain habits can also cause a significant deterioration.

It is inevitable that some brain functions are affected as part of aging. However, other “enemies” that lead to premature wear of neurons are often  overlooked.

Among them, we find certain substances of habitual consumption that, in some way, affect brain activity, but sedentary lifestyle, lack of proper stress management and other issues are also harmful.

Products that can affect brain health

This time we have compiled the 6 main products that should be limited in your diet before they generate a negative brain impact.

1. Monosodium glutamate

monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is a component that is usually found in a large part of packaged or canned foods. It is a concentrated salt that is used in order to preserve food for longer, maintaining its taste and smell.

  • It has a high concentration of chemical additives  known as “excitoxins”.
  • Its consumption is related to the increase in the production of dopamine in the brain, a substance that produces a momentary sensation of well-being.

According to some research, when monosodium glutamate is consumed in excess and on a continuous basis it could affect long-term brain health. This in turn could lead to the development of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Fluorine

Fluorine is one of the elements that is added to drinking water in order to maintain its purity and wholesomeness. Consumers do not perceive it, but it is present in the jet that comes out of the tap.

  • Despite its role in dental health, for example, the consequences of fluoride on human health are still being studied. For example, its addition to drinking water is discussed.
  • On the other hand, a possible relationship with low intellectual performance and the alteration of some cognitive functions is studied .

3. Refined sugar

Refined sugar

Refined sugar and all its derivatives have been classified as one of the main “white poisons”, along with salt and refined flours.

Today it is one of the most commonly used additives in the kitchen. Despite the warnings of health experts and institutions as important as the World Health Organization, it is still one of the most consumed foods.

  • Its excessive intake alters metabolic functions and puts cognitive functions at risk.
  • After being assimilated into the body, it limits the function of a protein responsible for carrying out important functions within the nervous system. For this reason, memory problems, difficulty in the connection between neurons and depression can occur.

4. Artificial sweeteners

Sweeteners are substances used in the food industry to replace sugar. Although some are of organic origin, most are made with chemicals and artificial substances that are not entirely good.

  • These are known as “brain poisons” because they are responsible for the excitation and overstimulation of neurons.
  • Substances such as aspartame and saccharin can trigger disorders in the nervous system,  and cause anxiety, migraines and speech difficulties.
  • Often they focus on packaged industrial foods or those with light  or “low sugar” labels .

    5. Gluten


    Foods with high concentrations of gluten have become part of the list of “enemies” of brain health. This set of proteins, present in various cereals, adhere to the small intestine and produce various metabolic disorders.

    • Its poor assimilation increases inflammatory imbalances and the risk of associated diseases.
    • While many people are not sensitive to the component, it can generally affect the nervous system when consumed in large amounts.

    6. Alcohol

    Alcoholic beverages contain toxins and chemical compounds that can lead to significant impairment of brain functions.

    Its excessive consumption directly affects the functioning of the liver, but it can also lead to a problem known as “brain fog”. This condition is characterized by a state in which the brain is clouded and cannot think clearly.

    In addition, it interferes with the functioning of the nervous system and can increase anxiety and depressive states.

    Are you exposed to the effects of these enemies of the brain? If so, try to take steps to limit them before they have any unwanted impact on you. Also,  try to adopt habits and exercises to strengthen cognitive functions.

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