6 Foods Whose Consumption Should Be Moderate

To follow a healthy diet you must know which are the foods whose consumption should be moderate and sporadic. We present you some of them.

Wanting to eat a healthy diet is a challenge that requires commitment, discipline and knowing how to choose the best foods for your body. When eating a healthy diet there are some foods that you should moderate. An example are those high in fat, sugar and sodium, which are usually very attractive to the palate but unhealthy.

However, it is not enough just to know which are the most harmful foods, since now the market offers us many apparently healthy products that are not really what they seem. Some of the foods may say they are “Organic”, ” Light “, “Fat Free” or “Natural”, and yet they are not really healthy.

Foods to moderate

Here we tell you which foods you should moderate, if you want to eat a healthy diet. Some you may be able to avoid altogether.

1. Carbonated and energizing drinks

foods to avoid

Carbonated and energy drinks provide a large dose of sugars, caffeine, artificial flavors and many other compounds that, in the long term, could be harmful to health, contributing for example to weight gain or the development of diseases such as diabetes, according to data Harvard TH Chan .

Now, what about diet drinks ? This label may simply mean that they are lower in sugars and other compounds than other sodas. However, they would continue to provide empty calories to our body. Without a doubt, the best drink to drink daily is water.

2. Sweetened soy milk

We know that soy milk is a food that provides essential nutrients for health, such as calcium, potassium, vitamin A and retinol, among others. It is, without a doubt, a great alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

The problem appears when we regularly consume packaged and flavored soy milk, since it also has added sugar among its components. Before choosing, it is best to look at the label.

3. Sugary granola

Granola bar

Oatmeal is considered a very healthy food. In fact, in presentations such as samples or granola it is usually highly recommended by nutritionists. Then? We should always look at the labels before making our purchase choice as some granola bars, for example, are high in sugar and low in fiber. 

4. Muffins

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation points out that white bread is rich in complex carbohydrates, in addition to providing proteins, minerals and vitamins. In fact, he points out that bread should be a prominent part of the diet. So why include muffins among the foods you should moderate?

Simply because the muffins can contain large doses of sugar and sodium and, ideally, it would be to respect the recommended daily amounts of these two components. This does not mean that you cannot consume them, but that you should moderate their consumption and for the day to day, opt for healthier versions such as whole wheat bread.

5. Frozen and pre-cooked meals

In the supermarket, we find a wide variety of frozen and pre-cooked meals that offer us a fast, delicious and apparently healthy alternative. However, some of these frozen and / or precooked foods are usually rich in sodium, fat and other compounds. For this reason, you should moderate its consumption and try to always opt for homemade food.

6. White rice

white rice Alicakes

white rice Alicakes

This type of rice is one of the most used in homes. Thus, for years it has become a tradition of the daily diet. However, different studies have shown that white rice goes through a refining process that removes a large part of its essential nutrients. Does this mean that it is necessary to eliminate it from the diet? Of course not.

Our proposal is that you opt for brown rice over white rice. Of course you can prepare your favorite recipes with white rice but try to consume it sporadically and opt for the whole wheat for the day to day. You will gain in quantity of nutrients!

As you can see, it is not a matter of completely eliminating foods from your diet but of moderating their consumption and opting for their healthier versions. If in doubt, consult your trusted nutritionist.

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