6 High Altitude Sports That You Should Practice

Although to practice them you have to put fear aside, with altitude sports you experience an adrenaline rush that many people consider addictive

If you are one of those people who loves adventure and extreme sports, there are a number of sports that you should not stop practicing. To fill your life with excitement, reaching for heaven is your first option.

That is why we bring you the altitude sports that you should practice. You just have to plan your schedule, and decide once and for all to specify what you have been planning for so long.

6 altitude sports you should do

1. Skydiving


This is a sport that surely tops the list of dreams of many people in the world. And that has been popularized for many years. It is an extreme sport for which the fear of heights must be left behind.

Participants climb into the sky in a plane or helicopter and launch themselves at a certain height, using a parachute that they carry on their back and that they must open at the indicated height to cushion the landing fall.

To perform them, you must be psychologically prepared. If you suffer from the heart, it is better that you leave the plans in your dreams.

2. Hot air balloon flight

As such, hot air balloon flight is not considered extreme, but it is certainly one of the most relaxing ways to take to the skies on an exhilarating adventure.

This is one of the first ways devised for man to fly, and it can be done by any type of person without any problem. If you decide to practice it, you will surely not regret it.

3. Hang gliding

girl traveling in a balloon remembering the pleasure of doing what you love

A very exciting sport without a doubt. It is based on the practitioner taking advantage of the wind currents to be able to plan.

Generally, you get a low speed. It requires special equipment and quite technical knowledge to be able to practice it.

  • You need a non-powered aircraft that is composed of a wide fabric that is shaped like a delta.
  • This is attached to a titanium or aluminum structure where the pilot is supported with a harness, lying down and directing the aircraft with his hands.
  • The pilot can hold the flight for a while while performing stunts.

Some of the parameters that must be evaluated are the speed and direction of the wind, the air currents, the upward winds, and especially, how to land.

4. Paragliding

This is a high-altitude sport that, like the previous one, requires the person who practices it to have a lot of knowledge.

So, before you jump into it, you should do your research and prepare appropriately. Preferably look for a school with a trained instructor.

  • This sport is practiced with an aircraft without a motor and with flexible wings.
  • The descent is gentle and leisurely, and is actually a variant of common skydiving, known since the 20th century.

4. Rappel


It is a very fun sport that consists of descending vertical surfaces.

  • The athlete must be well prepared, have the appropriate equipment, and be in good physical condition.
  • It must be held in a harness in the pelvis, and attached to a rope that is attached to the surface to be descended.

5. Bungee jumping

Also known as bungee jumping, in this sport the person who performs it throws himself from a height of several meters, grasping the ankle with an elastic rope that is attached to the jump grip point.

  • The rope extends as the person jumps, so that it counteracts the inertia caused by the acceleration obtained thanks to gravity.
  • Thus, the athlete will go up and down until the energy of the jump begins to disappear.

It is an extremely extreme sport that should not be practiced by people who have heart problems, or who suffer from vertigo.

6. Base jump

It is one of the most extreme sports today. It carries a very high risk, which must be very controlled and calculated to be able to do so.

  • In this case, there is no emergency parachute, but only a winged suit.
  • This allows you to glide through the air, at a lower altitude than in skydiving and very close to the place where the launch is made, adding risk to the sport.

It is a very risky sport and, before doing any jump, it must be studied properly so that accidents do not occur.

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