6 Reasons Why Your Ovaries Feel Pricked

The female reproductive system can present a wide variety of diseases and imbalances. Among those, the punctures in the ovaries, which can appear for different reasons.

Also, these punctures can present themselves in different ways for each woman. They can vary in intensity, time and date of the month, and then disappear spontaneously. Read on and you will find the answers you were looking for.

Punctures in the ovaries

Stitches in the ovaries

1. The ovulation processes

Women can experience pricks starting in the middle of the ovulation cycle. In this case, the punctures are located in the lower part of the belly in both ovaries.

Its appearance is due to the growth of the follicles found within the ovaries. This has a significant influence on their surface and causes them to become irritated and inflamed. They are usually temporary pains and should not be a concern.

2. The menstrual cycle

Stitches in the ovaries

In general, when a woman is in her menstrual cycle, she usually has menstrual cramps. These colic can cause frequent punctures in the ovaries.

The cause of this symptom has to do with the reproductive system, which is inflamed and pressed. This causes the punctures until it begins to deflate.

3. Pregnancy

Women often experience pins and needles, cramps, or pain during the first weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the hormonal changes that your body generates when it is preparing for pregnancy.

In this case it is vitally important to pay attention to punctures. These can endanger the health of the woman and the pregnancy. Or not letting the fetus develop properly.

4. Cysts on the ovaries

Stitches in the ovaries from cysts

Fourth, another possible cause of punctures is polycystic ovaries. This disorder is based on imbalances of female sex hormones that cause high levels of androgens in women.

This disease generates cysts in the ovaries and absent or very irregular menstruations. For this reason, many women with polycystic ovaries tend to feel prickles in the ovaries. This is because a woman’s mature eggs are not released naturally.

5. Endometriosis

We can also refer to endometriosis. In this case, the pain is localized in the ovaries or in the lower abdomen.

In this pathology, the endometrial cells grow outside the uterus. This can lead to the formation of small bleeding lumps and result in constant punctures in the ovaries.

Other symptoms of endometriosis can include painful intercourse, pain during urination or bowel movements, excessive bleeding, nausea and vomiting, and prolonged tiredness.

However, since these symptoms can appear due to other conditions, it is necessary to request some tests for their diagnosis. The professional may suggest a pelvic exam, an ultrasound, an MRI, among others.

6. Other pathologies

Stitches in the ovaries

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection that affects a woman’s sexual organs. Its main cause is sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.
  • Ovarian cancer can cause punctures in the ovaries as a symptom. It also causes an enlarged ovaries, swollen abdomen, and pelvic pain.

How do we relieve pain?

Despite being painful, punctures can be easily relieved by following these tips:

Avoid coffee

Coffee increases our stress levels. Its consumption squeezes the blood vessels and generates pressure and inflammation in the ovaries.

This process makes the appearance of punctures possible. Therefore, if you suffer from them often, you should avoid drinking coffee.


There are two types of medications that we must consider:

  • Pain relievers will help relieve the pain caused by the punctures. However, we recommend that you contact a doctor to recommend the perfect pain reliever for you.
  • Oral contraceptives: Especially for those women who suffer from polycystic ovaries. Oral contraceptives are able to control female sex hormone imbalances. It should be a gynecologist who prescribes them.

The tea

Tea for punctures in the ovaries

Finally, drinking chamomile tea and infusions will help reduce the pain caused by punctures in the ovaries. However, we must not forget that it may be a symptom of another health problem.

For this reason we recommend you go to the gynecologist regularly. So you can rule out any disease.

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