6 Simple Remedies To Eliminate Nail Fungus

The main genus of fungi that cause nail infections is Candida, among which the species Candida albicans stands out, which produces a well-known infection called mycosis.

Nail infections are not only caused by fungi belonging to the genus Candida, they can also be caused by others, such as onychomycosis. This derives from the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum,  belonging to the genus Trichophyton.

Among the factors that have a greater incidence in the appearance of nail fungus are injuries, overexposure to humidity and poor hygiene. When these three factors are combined, the deterioration of the nails is even more noticeable and annoying.

How does nail fungus work?

When the fungi of the genus Candida proliferate on the nails, they cause various alterations in them. To begin with, they thicken and deform their layers, causing the person to experience pain even when barefoot. In its more advanced stages, fungi can cause nail loss.

In addition, fungi can cause changes in the color of the nails, which can range from yellow, through shades of green and blue, to black. Depending on the case, the nails will have one color or another. 

6 remedies to end nail fungus

In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, there are those who consider that some home remedies can be used to eliminate nail fungus. For the most part, they are made up of very simple ingredients that are generally found at home.

It must be remembered that all remedies should not be combined at the same time and that it is not correct to apply them only once. For a natural remedy to give results, it is necessary to maintain the action over time and wait until the condition begins to subside.

1. Apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Apple vinager.

According to popular beliefs, the combination of apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide creates an antifungal remedy capable of eliminating nail fungus, both on the hands and on the feet. 

This remedy can be supplemented with a little alcohol with a concentration of 90%, since this is an antibiotic and antiseptic agent that fights a wide variety of microorganisms. To prepare it, you must follow the following instructions.


  • ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar (62 mL)
  • 2 tablespoons of alcohol at 90% concentration (20 mL)
  • ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) (62 mL)


  • Incorporate all the ingredients in a glass container, cover it and proceed to shake vigorously.
  • Let the container sit for a few hours to allow the solution to concentrate.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the remedy and rub it on your nails.
  • Follow the treatment every day and you will get results in no time.
  • Repeat this procedure several times a day and never inserting the dirty or used cotton into the container.

    2. Garlic

    Although there is no scientific evidence that garlic is a 100% effective remedy, there are those who decide to use it as part of their remedy to eliminate nail fungus, since some studies indicate that it has some antimicrobial potential.

    To prepare it, you only need a couple of ingredients, which we will indicate below.


    • 10 garlic cloves
    • 2 cups of water (500 mL)


    • Crush the 10 garlics and pour them into a pot along with two cups of water.
    • Bring it to a boil, allow it to cook for 3 to 5 minutes, and remove.
    • When the water is warm, put your feet in the water. Leave them there for about 20 minutes.
    • Repeat the bath 3 times a week.
    • Remember to dry your feet very well afterwards.

    3. Natural yogurt

    Natural yogurt to combat foot fungus.

    Although it has not been proven effective for the treatment of fungi and other infectious agents, there are those who decide to apply yogurt on the infected areas to try to improve themselves.


    • 1 brush
    • ½ cup of plain yogurt (120 g)


    • With the help of a clean brush, apply a generous amount of plain yogurt to the affected nail.
    • Let it dry and remove the excess with a damp cloth.
    • Then dry very well with a clean, dry cloth.

    4. Tea tree essential oil

    Tea tree essential oil is a product widely used in the treatment of external microbial infections because it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which would help stop the growth of fungi and also eliminate infections.


    • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil
    • 1 piece of cotton


    • Apply the drops of tea tree oil on the affected nail and spread them with the help of a piece of cotton.
    • Repeat the application daily, after each bath or shower, until the nail is completely healed.
    • Dry your feet very well after it has been absorbed. You should never leave a trace of moisture.

    5. Vick VapoRub

    Remedies against nail fungus.

    Although Vick VapoRub is an ointment designed to treat several of the symptoms of respiratory conditions, it is used by some to promote the recovery of fungal infected nails.


    • 1 bandage
    • Vick VapoRub (the amount needed)


    • Apply the VapoRub on the affected nail and cover it with a bandage.
    • After a few hours, clean the area and repeat the application of the VapoRub. Cover again with a clean bandage.
    • Repeat the procedure until the nail is sanitized.

      6. Salt against fungi

      In addition to being an ingredient widely used in the kitchen for all kinds of preparations, there are those who say that salt can be a remedy against nail fungus, since it is attributed antifungal properties.


      • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g)
      • 5 drops of lemon


      • Moisten the salt with a few drops of lemon and apply it directly to the affected nail.
      • Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse.
      • Repeat the procedure until the nails are completely healed.

      Nail fungus remedies have no immediate effect

      If the doctor authorizes the use of a home remedy, it is essential to follow their instructions. On the other hand, it is extremely important to bear in mind that, in general, home remedies do not provide immediate results, so it is recommended to be patient when resorting to them.

      Proper treatment coupled with good hygiene can help heal the area and obtain good results, hence the importance of being rigorous in complying with the doctor’s recommendations.

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