6 Symptoms Of Gallbladder Disease

Stones in the gallbladder are one of the main problems that can affect this essential organ in the body. The gallbladder stores bile and helps us with digestion. But could you recognize the symptoms that indicate a gallbladder disease?

The usual presence of excess gas, grayish stools or whitish urine are some of the symptoms that can alert you to a problem and indicate the need to see a doctor. Grab a pen and paper and take notes.

What is the function of the gallbladder?

The gallbladder is pear-shaped and located on the right side of the stomach, below the liver. It is a kind of small sac where bile is stored ; this substance arrives, precisely, from the liver.

The bile stored by the gallbladder is essential for digestion, since it acts as a fat emulsifier. In other words, it allows you to digest and burn them.

Gallstones are the main gallbladder disease, in addition to infections. According to specialized sources, the incidence is two to three times higher among women than among men. The use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy or diabetes are some of the factors that influence its appearance.

Symptoms of a gallbladder disease

Biliary conditions often do not produce noticeable symptoms. However, according to the sources already cited, as well as the details provided in this MSD Manuals publication , the following are some of the most frequent.

1. Bloating and gas

Pain in the stomach.

When there is some kind of problem and the bile is not adequately channeled or the gallbladder is inflamed, it is common for the digestive system to not work properly and you feel that the digestions are heavier.

In case of discomfort, continuous gas and belching are very common. To be a significant annoyance, these symptoms must appear on a daily basis.

The presence of discomfort on an isolated day, even two, is normal; but if ten days in a row pass and you notice that the abdomen is still swollen and hardened, it is advisable to consult with the doctor.

2. Nausea and dizziness

Notice how you feel hours after having your lunch or the main meal of the day. If you notice some weakness, if you experience nausea and dizziness, it is best to sit down and put your hand on your abdomen.

Is it hard? Do you burp easily?  If, in addition to poor digestion, you notice that dizziness and nausea appear every day, you probably have a gallbladder problem.

3. Punctual pain in the back, abdomen and right arm

The pains are a characteristic symptom that there is discomfort. A heaviness in the abdomen and pain that spreads to both the right side of the back and the arm on that same side can be a sign of a biliary condition.

This is because the gallbladder is located on the right side of the abdomen and next to the liver. If it becomes inflamed, that entire area will be affected and a very particular pain will occur.

Keep in mind that sometimes the pain can start suddenly and in the form of a fit, if it were, for example, a gallstone.

Severe pain can last 15 minutes, then disappear and reappear; This situation can last for several hours. Also, the pain can get worse with breathing.

If the biliary disease is advanced and there are several stones, the pain can be very intense and even affect the shoulder blades. Do not hesitate and go to the medical consultation.

4. Pay attention to urine and feces

It is necessary to observe the tonality of the urine to warn possible diseases. In case the urine is very white, there may be a problem in the gallbladder. In more severe cases, such as cholangitis, urine may turn dark, as the American College of Gastroenterology notes .

The presence of gray stools, not too colored and somewhat loose may be due to a low level of bile. Also, if they are clay-colored, it could also be a sign of a biliary condition, according to the MedlinePlus encyclopedia .

It is also common for people with gallbladder problems to have numerous episodes of diarrhea. You must take it into account to inform the doctor.

5. Bad breath and fever

Woman with fever.

If you notice that you have begun to feel a discomfort or a strange taste and  you perceive an unpleasant breath that you cannot get rid of, take note of its duration. Has it been just a day or two? So, no problem.

But if it persists for several days in a row, then talk to your doctor, especially if when you wake up in the morning you notice that you have a few tenths of a fever. The fever can appear in the morning and in the late afternoon.

6. Jaundice, a possible symptom of a gallbladder disease

Have you perhaps noticed that your skin tone has turned a bit yellowish? Or that your eyes have suddenly acquired this tonality? So, do not hesitate and go to the doctor.

It can be jaundice, a condition that is basically due to some gallstones blocking the bile duct, causing the bile to flow back to the liver and from there to the bloodstream. It is a serious issue and you have to take it into account. Don’t be careless!

Knowing the symptoms of gallbladder disease can help you get proper treatment in less time. The faster you report to your doctor, the sooner you can recover. Of course, you must bear in mind that it will be necessary to improve eating habits and other aspects.

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