7 Things A Good Friend Does

We all have various types of friends . We have known some of them for a lifetime and others are part of our journey only for a time. There are those who come and go, but they are always there in one way or another. But what are the things that identify a good friend?

We tend to think that a good friend is one who is always with us. Many times we expect things that are unrealistic.

It is not that your friend is not with you at a certain moment because he does not want to: perhaps he is also living and fulfilling his dreams and goals.

If you are one of those who have difficulty differentiating a friend or a colleague, you should know this:

1. A good friend knows that you need time and space to grow.

Good friends are those who are not only happy about your achievements, they also encourage you to follow your dreams . They know that this may separate you, but they are willing to do it because they want to see you grow as a person, as a professional and as a human being.

You will know that a person is a good friend because it always motivates you to break your limits in the positive sense.

If you ever tell him that you are afraid of what is coming, he will probably accompany you in the process, but he will push you to overcome your fears and get out of your comfort zone.

Sure, he will also expect you to acknowledge and accept that he must also pursue his dreams.

2. Your relationship is natural

Another characteristic of a good friend is that they do not force things. Quite the opposite, it’s going to let everything flow as smoothly as possible.

Chances are, being with him makes you feel so good that no silence will be uncomfortable or you will need to plan everything. It’s like a love relationship, things and plans just happen effortlessly.

With this kind of friends you know that you can be you without any problem or limitation. He doesn’t expect you to be perfect and you know that he has defects and, to  despite everything, you accept each other and grow together

3. Your friendship lasts over time

A good friend does not need to be attached to you all your life. On the contrary, each one goes and does their thing. When you have time, you see each other, talk and motivate each other.

They are those friends with whom they can spend several years without seeing each other and the day you meet again it seems that only one weekend passed.

The thing with them is that the friendship it is not conditional on your social status, your job title or other factors. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve grown up with, or what problems you’ve had: a good friend remains the same forever.

4. He will tell you what he thinks


Just because someone thinks you’re doing something wrong doesn’t always mean they are telling you. However, A good friend will have no problem telling you that you are making a mistake or that they consider you are committing a fault.

Sincerity is essential to establish ties that last over time, according to this research from the National University of the Altiplano (Peru).

This happens because he values ​​you as a person and is willing to help you grow. In the end it will not condition you to change your attitudes or decisions, because he knows that they are only yours.

If you are wrong and time shows that he was right, he will still be there to support you and help you get out of the bad moment.

5. He always thinks of you and is in contact

Earlier we mentioned that a good friend can move on with his life and that the relationship will continue. This is because he will be aware of you somehow . Today technology makes good friends closer despite the distance.

It is that friend who sends you an email the day you least expect it or who quotes you to chat on social networks and keep you up to date with the plans and dreams.

Although he does not expect you to be attached to him all the time, he knows that you need each other. Sometimes you will share the good times and other times you will help each other overcome problems through a conversation.

6. You share


They might be at opposite ends of the world, but good friends always share the good and bad in life. Did you graduate from college? Did you have your first child? He will want to be a part of it.

If he cannot take a flight and be physically by your side, he most likely wants a photo or video of the moment.

But this is not limited to the good and beautiful in life. The day you have a loss, a divorce or a disease, he will still be there.

They will accompany you as much as their circumstances allow, and you will know that there is someone somewhere thinking of you.

7. Accepts you as you are

We all have flaws and a good friend is able to see yours and accept you as is. They won’t try to change you just so you can fit into a certain environment or moment. Unlike, it will help you to be yourself.

The only reason he will want you to change is to improve. And even then, he will let you make the decision on how and when.

And you, are you a good friend? Are you lucky enough to have one? Have you told him how much you value him?

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