8 Foods You Should Not Eat When You Have Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process in the body that originates as a response of the immune system to the presence of pathogens that cause disease. It can compromise the health of any organ in the body. In turn, it is one of the factors associated with recurrent pain and fatigue.

Although it can occur sporadically, in some cases it is chronic and encourages the appearance of more careful conditions.

In addition, it often has to do with joint pains, gastric problems, and breathing difficulties that affect quality of life. Most worryingly, not everyone pays enough attention to it. As if that were not enough, they overlook that some foods could make the situation worse.

Next we want to dedicate this space to 8 foods whose consumption should be limited when we go through inflammations of some kind.

1. Processed meats

processed meats cause inflammation.

The consumption of ultra-processed meats is on the rise in several countries. Although they represent an easy alternative to cooking, they have been linked to common inflammatory imbalances.

The main drawback is that they contain high levels of sodium, nitrates, nitrites and a variety of other added chemicals. In this way, when assimilated into the body, they promote an inflammatory response.

Also, since they contain too much fat, they tend to worsen pain from conditions like arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis.

2. Refined vegetable oils

Vegetable oils have conquered kitchens around the world and are often included, in some way, in the daily diet. Although some oils, such as olive oil, are healthy, many presentations are refined and made with harmful fats.

As a result, its regular consumption affects the level of inflammation. Even in cases of associated diseases, it could worsen the severity of the symptoms.

3. Dairy products, the ones that cause the most inflammation

Milk and dairy products

Milk, cheeses, and other dairy products are discouraged for patients with inflammatory diseases. Although not everyone suffers from lactose intolerance, its intake could cause difficulties in the digestive system. Therefore, it would lead to inflammatory processes in the body.

Consequently, the consumption of these foods is associated with:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Constipation and diarrhea.
  • Urticaria and skin allergies.
  • Breathing difficulties.
  • Joint pains

4. Fried foods

Fried foods, including packaged ones, contain trans fat, excessive amounts of sodium, and added chemicals. Apart from causing inflammation, these compounds  produce imbalances in metabolism.

Therefore, its intake worsens the symptoms of inflammatory diseases. In addition, they cause overweight, digestive problems and increased cholesterol.

5. Refined flours


Flours that are subjected to refining processes lose their nutritional quality. As a result, they can cause inflammation when consumed in excess.

Although small amounts do not usually cause any problems, their regular intake can worsen abdominal and joint swelling.

Keep in mind that, in addition to traditional wheat flour, this product is present in:

  • Bread.
  • Pizza.
  • Cookies and pastries.
  • Desserts and bakery products in general.

6. Margarine

Margarine consumption should be reduced, even if the body is healthy. Because this food contains high levels of trans fats and hydrogenated oils, it could influence the appearance of inflammatory and metabolic imbalances. 

Likewise, its significant calorie intake increases body weight. Therefore, it can make the situation worse for patients with arthritis, bone problems, and chronic widespread pain.

7. Seafood


When inflammation has to do with the accumulation of uric acid in the body, it is recommended to limit the consumption of shellfish.

  • This is due to its content of purines, a substance that,  when broken down in the body, is transformed into uric acid.
  • It accumulates in the joints and kidneys and, when crystallized, produces disorders such as gout or kidney stones.

8. Salt

Lately salt has become one of the potentially dangerous ingredients for human health. Although in a certain amount it favors some important functions, its excessive consumption can cause adverse reactions.

It is worth mentioning that by causing fluid retention in the tissues, it is one of those responsible for the increase in inflammation. Associated with this are disorders such as hypertension and circulatory difficulties.

Especially if you are fighting a disease linked to high levels of inflammation, you should start reducing your consumption of these foods. In the same way, keep in mind that there are healthy alternatives to replace them.

Give priority to fresh foods to avoid inflammation

Remember that, although these options are harmful, there are also foods whose composition benefits the control of inflammation.

Also, do not forget that you should check yourself periodically to rule out any serious pathology. These tips are recommendations that can complement the treatment that a doctor indicates.

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