8 Possible Alerts That A Man Is Cheating On You

Have you ever wondered how it is possible to know if a man is cheating on you? Today, in this article, we tell you what are the possible alerts of this situation.

As we all know, relationship problems are not lacking and, in general, they are not easy situations to deal with.

However, when we begin to realize that something is wrong, that is when the time comes to worry, mainly because most of these problems arise due to lack of communication between the couple or lack of intimacy.

Knowing if a man is cheating on you or not can be very easy if we know certain alerts that reveal his intentions, although these, in turn, could not be considered determining factors to make such a judgment.

However, we share with you some of these signs, which could indicate that something is wrong.

8 signs a man is cheating on you

1. You start to worry more about your physical appearance

Of course, this can be a sign that a man is cheating on you if it is something he did not usually do, such as:

  • go more often to the beauty salon.
  • change your wardrobe because the clothes are already very old and you want to be fashionable.
  • buy expensive clothes.
  • go on a diet
  • start playing sports, such as jogging or doing a routine at a gym.

2. Mentions a special person a lot


Especially when it comes to a co-worker, friend or someone I haven’t seen for a long time, among others.

It may be that the infidelity is not happening, but it begins with something, as well as it may be that they want to tell you before so that, if someone saw them talking, they do not go and tell third parties what is happening.

Also so that you do not suspect anything if they call you at home or you see them talking.

3. Be careful with the phone!

The telephone is a great ally to realize what is happening. This can contain calls, voice messages, text messages, among others.

You should be concerned if you notice that when answering:

  • is strange
  • answer with a broken voice
  • walks away to receive your call
  • lie about the person who spoke to you and the reason for the call
  • gets scared doing it
  • immediately delete conversations, calls or messages when you never did before.

4. Watch out for the smell of perfume!


If he arrives at the house smelling of feminine perfume and, also, if you ask him he will get thousands of excuses:

  • No, a fragrance saleswoman applied lotion to me!
  • It’s just that some classmates played a joke on me!
  • I greeted a lady who had applied too much perfume!

In that case, better not ask why it smells like that, because it will surely make you even more excuses.

5. Makeup on clothes

Bring your clothes with makeup remains, whether it is foundation, powder, lipstick, black paint that can be mascara or eyeliner, red or pink spots, among some more.

6. What about sexual intercourse?

In general, the frequency of sexual intercourse tends to decrease, although not so abruptly.

Usually they go down in level since they began their infatuation to that point: they no longer appear as before, nor with the same intensity with which they used to be done.

7. Non-existent departures, imaginary hours

He makes up outings to places he never went or says he stayed at work longer because he owed extra hours or went to visit a sick friend.

Infidelities do not always occur at night, as they are more frequent at lunchtime or in the afternoon.

8. And that gift?

Dangerous relationships

He gives you unexpected gifts such as flowers, expensive jewelry or some other significant element for you, also gives them to you with the face of a lover.

In most cases this is due to the feeling of guilt and he wants to remedy it with this, something that he did not use to do before, much less on such unexpected and non-special dates.

90% of men try to remedy it with details.

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