8 Reasons Why There May Be A Bad Taste In Your Mouth

A bad taste in your mouth is an unpleasant issue that can arise for various reasons. In general, it appears as a result of poor oral hygiene, the consumption of some food that has a strong flavor (such as onion or garlic), but in some cases, when it persists over time, it may be a consequence of an underlying problem , like diabetes.

To treat it in the correct way it is necessary to determine what the reason that causes it, for this, we must go to the doctor.

Possible causes of a bad taste in your mouth

Let’s see what the possible causes of this annoyance may be.

1. Problems in the oral cavity

bad breath

Generally, a bad taste in the mouth can appear as a result of cavities, excessive accumulation of dental plaque or periodontal diseases. In case you think it may be due to any of these issues, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with your dentist and review your oral hygiene habits.

2. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses resulting from an infection by bacteria, fungi or viruses. If you suffer from sinusitis, then it is normal for you to have a bad taste in your mouth.

Due to the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa, secretions are created capable of multiplying bacteria in the mouth and generating bad tastes. For this we recommend you to be aware of your dental hygiene routine while the sinusitis disappears.

3. Gastrointestinal problems


It is possible that a bad taste in your mouth appears as a result of:

  • Sickness.
  • Gastritis.
  • Indigestion.
  • Flatulence
  • Constipation.
  • Gastric reflux.
  • Stomach ulcers

This type of alteration arises when we regularly consume foods that are not suitable for the body. However, this can be controlled by a diet that does not affect the digestive system.

4. Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers could also be the reason for this discomfort. If the doctor has already diagnosed them, their instructions should be followed.

5. Drug consumption

Antibiotics and the microbiome

A bad taste in the mouth could also appear as a consequence of the regular consumption of some drugs, such as:

  • Steroids
  • Antibiotics
  • Antithyroid.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Zinc-based drugs.

After the treatment is finished, the bad taste in your mouth should disappear. 

6. Pregnancy

A pregnant woman may have a bad taste in her mouth during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, just when the strongest hormonal changes occur (accompanied by nausea and vomiting).

7. Gastrointestinal or liver problems

A bad taste in the mouth could also be a symptom of liver disease or one of the consequences of reflux, among other issues.

Consuming certain high-fat, processed foods (such as fried foods) and alcoholic beverages can cause a person to have a bad taste in their mouths. 

8. Other problems

These are the substances that a cigarette contains

  • Diabetes.
  • Smoking
  • Salivary gland infection.
  • Viral infections that damage sensory cells and change the sense of taste.
  • Menstruation can cause bad tastes due to hormonal changes.

What should be taken into account?

If you regularly experience a bad taste in your mouth, we recommend that you see your doctor for an evaluation. Especially if you feel other discomfort. On the other hand, look in your agenda if you have already attended your periodic check-up with the dentist. 

A specialist will be in charge of detecting the problem and trying to treat it before it presents further complications.

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