8 Reasons Why You Should Include Brown Rice Flour In Your Diet

In addition to being gluten-free and suitable for people with allergies or intolerances, brown rice flour can help us improve digestive health no longer gain weight.

Brown rice flour is a product with a high nutritional value and gluten-free, so it is a good ally for people with celiac disease or intolerance.

With this food you will be able to increase the carbohydrate intake of the diet. In this way you will have a greater amount of energy to carry out physical activities.

8 reasons to use brown rice flour

We are going to present 8 reasons why it may be advisable to use brown rice flour in a balanced diet.

1. Provides energy

8 Reasons Why You Should Include Brown Rice Flour In Your Diet

The vitamins, minerals and proteins it contains make brown rice flour a natural energizer.  Thanks to this, its frequent consumption can help preserve physical and mental performance to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

2. Regulates intestinal function

Like other whole grains, rice flour makes a significant contribution of fiber that helps improve intestinal function,  according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences . 

It is useful to fight constipation, improve the absorption of nutrients and prevent various digestive problems, such as gas and inflammation.

3. Supports cholesterol control

Although to reduce cholesterol you must improve your diet in general, this integral product helps to control it.  Its natural oils can prevent its adherence to arterial walls.

4. Helps to lose weight

It is possible to lose weight with papaya, within a healthy lifestyle.

The incorporation of this food in the diet is perfect for those  looking to lose weight in a healthy way.

Because it is high in fiber, it helps eliminate waste from the body and increases satiety to avoid excessive calorie consumption. This is evidenced by a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , where a regular consumption of fiber is related to a lower appetite.

The best thing is that, unlike refined products, brown rice flour is more easily digested and has fewer calories. On the other hand, it generates a lower glycemic peak, which causes a reduction in pancreatic stress.

5. Good for diabetics

Due to the nutrients it contains, this food is better assimilated, in addition to  helping to regulate blood glucose levels. However, the contribution of carbohydrates in the diet of the diabetic is something that today generates a lot of controversy. The most current trends are committed to drastically reducing the intake of this class of nutrients in diabetic people, since in this way a better control over glycemia could be exercised.

6. Does not acidify the blood

Acidification of the blood is one of the reasons why people get sick more often and develop a greater number of chronic diseases. This acidity in the body is produced by the excessive consumption of refined and processed foods that hinder the functions of the body and cause obesity.

Being a whole grain, gluten-free and rich in nutrients, this flour does not cause such an effect on the blood; on the contrary, it supports natural pH regulation.

7. Contains antioxidants

The consumption of foods high in antioxidants is a necessity for health, since they are the only ones that have been shown to be able to stop the action of free radicals. 

Certainly, brown rice flour does not provide as much quantity as fruits and vegetables can; however, it can provide a significant level.

If you want to maximize the amount of antioxidants in your diet, consider including a good portion of red fruits in your daily routines. These contain pigments capable of fighting against the development of chronic and complex pathologies.

8. Rice flour could prevent colon cancer


Again, the fiber it contains can have a positive effect on gut health.

By promoting the elimination of toxic compounds present in the system, the regular consumption of this food could help prevent colon cancer by preventing malignant cells from adhering to its walls.

Anyway, to avoid the development of these pathologies, it is best to include vegetables in abundance in the diet, as well as the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis.


Without a doubt, brown rice flour is delicious and suitable to be included in all kinds of diets.

Although it is considered an alternative for patients with celiac disease, it is also an option for those who want to improve their diet and, especially, their digestive health. Among its many uses, it is worth mentioning:

  • Preparation of cookies and cakes.
  • Croquettes.
  • Bread.
  • Rice flour crepes.
  • Pizza.
  • Tortillas.

As you can see, there are many ways to include it in meals  and enjoy all these properties. Now that we have detailed its benefits, go ahead and make the change.

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