8 Tips That Will Help You Have A Beautiful And Healthy Figure

We all like to take care of ourselves and have a beautiful figure. If you follow these recommendations it will be easier for you. You will simply have to start taking care of yourself and learning to put aside unhealthy bad habits. There are no magic diets, but the effort is worth it.

However, keep in mind that the characterization of a woman as beautiful is based on a combination of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors, and outer beauty, which includes physical factors. External beauty is usually measured based on the general opinion or consensus of a group of people. Internal beauty, however, is more difficult to quantify.

Also read Physical appearance: barrier to finding a partner?

Tips for a beautiful and healthy figure

1. Watch your diet

Control feeding diet

If you don’t want this to end up taking a toll on you, it is best to take care of your diet. Keep in mind that with age the metabolism begins to slow down, you will gain kilos more easily. Therefore, you must watch your diet and avoid bingeing.

Eat more but less amounts. That is, eat little, but consistently. This way you will avoid arriving at the main meals very hungry. Also, if you eat little and frequently, you will activate your metabolism.

Also, keep in mind that each food has specific benefits, and if you manage to combine them at the appropriate times, you will succeed in taking care of your health and figure.

2. Respect your sleep hours

Believe it or not, little sleep can lead to weight gain as it alters metabolism. In addition, sleep repairs and tones our skin.  If we rest the right hours we will reduce the probability of having bags and dark circles and our appearance in general will improve.

Before going to sleep, do not eat heavily and stay away from mobile devices. Take a good shower and read something before going to bed, preferably a book. You will see how it costs you less to fall asleep.

3. Exercise


Aerobic exercise

It’s not just going to the gym to get an adequate and useful amount of exercise. It will be enough to do 30 minutes of exercise between 4 and 6 times a week.

Or what is the same, exercising for an average of an hour and a half. This will be as effective as doing it moderately a couple of times a week, if you distribute it over time you will also tire less.

4. Control the rate of your metabolism

Precisely because from the age of 30 the metabolism begins to slow down, we must bet on foods that help us accelerate it.

Include in your diet:

  • Chili pepper
  • Tea
  • Broccoli
  • Soups
  • Foods rich in calcium

5. Hydration

Remember that good hydration is key because, in addition, it will help you satisfy hunger and lose weight, since you will eliminate salt and fluid retention.

Good hydration will also help improve your digestion and speed up your metabolism. And, as we say, the more active your metabolism is, everything will be much easier when it comes to maintaining your figure.

6. Bet on foods rich in vitamin C

To have a beautiful figure you must include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C, protein and fiber. They are a true powerhouse ideal to start strong.

Do not hesitate to consume:

  • Oatmeal
  • Egg
  • Orange
  • Kiwi

For example, before the main meal you can start with an apple, tuna, or a fruit smoothie. It is a nutritious, healthy option and will satisfy the feeling of hunger quickly.

7. Infusions

Green Tea

Incorporate herbal teas into your diet. In the market you can find a series of delicious, healthy and delicious options. Feel free to start your day, for example, with a cup of green tea.

In addition to providing you with extra energy, it will help you take care of your heart health, prevent fluid retention and promote the purification of toxins.

8. If you like sweets, choose well

Not all sweets are equally healthy. So, if you like sweets, you will have to know how to choose which one to drink. For example, if you have a late-night craving, have  some dark chocolate. It will be a much healthier option than any candy that contains sugar or that is made in an industrial way.

Of course, you will also have to be careful with the portion. Remember that all excess is bad and in products rich in sugar even more so. Follow these recommendations and you will notice it.

Always remember..

Always remember that nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is. No one can impose on you what beauty means, whether you are beautiful or not. That is why you must appreciate who you are and that that beauty that you have is reflected in all aspects of your life, of your existence. 

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