5 Funny Situations In Bed

Have you ever thought about the funniest thing that happened to you in bed while having sex?

It does not matter if you are starting a relationship, if you have sexual encounters with different people or if your marriage has already exceeded 30 years. The funny moments during sex turn into stories to laugh in the future.

When a sexual relationship begins with a new partner, anxiety makes us vulnerable to making mistakes. These can lead to a funny situation.

These moments of grace connect us much more with the person with whom we decide to share our intimacy.

Why is it healthy to laugh in bed?

Female sexual arousal and laughter share the following aspects:

  • In both cases the body temperature tends to rise. In addition, it can be accompanied by redness of the chest, arms and neck.
  • Eyes and lips quickly moisten.
  • Increases skin sensitivity.
  • The facial muscles contract.
  • Breathing is ragged.
  • The body relaxes.

Laughing in bed is one of the most effective ways to release tension in sexual intercourse. In addition, it can also help to end the prejudices that both of you may have.

When laughter is not interpreted as a mockery or offense, combining it with sex can disinhibit both of you and raise the level of complicity in the relationship. In most cases, laughing in bed causes anxiety to decrease and creativity to flow spontaneously.

What’s the funniest thing that can happen in bed?

Now we will discuss some of the most common funny situations that can arise when you go to bed with your partner.

1. Suffer a cramp

Just when you are both doing your best to achieve maximum pleasure, one of the muscles in your right leg decides to contract. Thus, the pain ends up interrupting everything.

The best thing in these cases is to take the situation with humor. You can ask your partner for a gentle massage to continue.

2. Your dog’s gaze

dog in bed

Dogs are often curious animals thanks to their powerful sense of smell and exploratory instincts. Therefore, the exchange of fluids and hormones released during sexual intercourse can attract the attention of our dogs.

One of the funniest situations you can experience in bed is changing position and meeting the watchful eye of your dog.

If one of the two is uncomfortable with this situation, the intensity of the moment can be lost. In any case, you can send your pet out of the room and joke with your partner about what happened.

3. Vaginal flatulence

embarrassed woman

What makes vaginal flatulence funny is that it is totally involuntary. These winds usually occur when the woman’s legs are higher. Just at the moment when you least expect it, your vagina decides to release the air that entered there minutes before. If this happens, our best option is to laugh.

4. Try to talk “dirty”

woman biting her partner's ear

If you and your partner do not usually say these words in bed, when one of you tries to say a dirty phrase, the other will try not to die laughing. In order not to ruin the moment, you can both agree not to laugh until everything is over.

5. Heading

Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to make any movement without head butting. One turns, the other steps aside, and yet their heads end up meeting again and again. This may cause some laughs, but if you both focus, you will soon regain the thread of what you were doing.

In conclusion

Laughing is not only healthy but it helps create a much more fun atmosphere in bed. Therefore, you have to take advantage of every moment to share a laugh with your partner … and then resume the action.

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