When Should You Visit The Gynecologist?

Although at least one annual visit is recommended from the beginning of our fertile life, the personal circumstances of each woman will determine the frequency of gynecological consultations

The gynecologist is the doctor who specializes in the reproductive health of women. Because much of our life is governed by the menstrual cycle and hormonal changes, we cannot ignore this specialist.

Here we explain the types and times when you should go to the gynecologist and how to find the most suitable one.

Types of visits to the gynecologist

Not sure if you should visit the gynecologist? If you have never been to a review and you are not sure if you should do it, here are the three types of appointment you can have.

First time

Types of visits to the gynecologist

The ideal is to go to the gynecologist from the first menstruation , which usually occurs between 13 and 15 years of age.

However, many girls visit him for the first time several years later, when they start their sex life. Others do not make their first appointment until they have a gynecological problem or discomfort or suspect that they are pregnant.

Our recommendation is to visit this specialist as soon as possible . While it may be embarrassing to talk about your sexual health, doing so can save you from problems and complications.

Review visits

Visits with the gynecologist are usually every six months or every year if all is well . The most common is that you should go only to rule out problems and perform a review that includes a cytology.

In case you feel any discomfort, such as changes in your period, pain or irritation in the vaginal area, we recommend that you go for a check-up as soon as possible.

Visit in menopause

Female reproductive health follows a cycle that begins with puberty and ends with menopause . Therefore, it is important that you visit the gynecologist during all these years and about two or three after menopause to detect any problems that may arise.

Most gynecologists recommend that their patients continue with annual check-ups until age 70 when they have a good medical history and their sex life is no longer active.

Situations in which you should visit the gynecologist

uterus with endometriosis

Whether you visit the gynecologist every year or if you go on time, in certain situations you should go to the specialist as soon as possible:

Changes in your menstrual period

The normal menstrual cycle usually lasts 3 to 7 days, so if your cycles are longer or suddenly change, it can be a red flag. Changes or disappearance of your menstrual period can be indicating many things, from conditions to pregnancy .

In any case, it is necessary that you visit the gynecologist to identify the problem and give it an appropriate solution.

Irregular bleeding

Menstrual cycle

When you have bleeding outside your menstrual period, you should make an appointment with the gynecologist as soon as possible. Bleeding outside of your period can indicate anything from an infection or problems in the uterus to problems in pregnancy .

Don’t let fear or worry paralyze you or trust yourself just because the bleeding is minimal. Unlike. The faster you visit the gynecologist, the faster you will remove all doubts.

Pain or discomfort

Symptoms such as burning, pain and vaginal discharge of particular color and aroma can be the symptom of very serious problems.

Although these can be related to urinary tract infections, they can also be a symptom of bacterial infections and sexually transmitted diseases or some types of cancer.

The only way to diagnose and treat these problems is through very precise studies that the gynecologist orders and can analyze.


When the reproductive cycle of women ends, the menopause. Many women believe that from this point on they no longer need to go to their annual gynecologist appointments.

However, every woman is different and some may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes and discomfort. If this is your case, visit your doctor to tell you what can help you alleviate  these discomforts.

The choice of the gynecologist

The choice of the gynecologist

We know that the first time you visit a gynecologist you do it with doubts and nerves. This is so, regardless of your age or your situation. To facilitate this process, follow the following recommendations and you will see that everything is easier:

Don’t settle for the first option

Many times we go to the same gynecologist as our mother or sister just because they have told us that it is very good. But it is also important that you find a doctor with whom you feel comfortable to ask anything.

Ask a family member to accompany you

Young women tend to feel embarrassed when they visit a gynecologist. If this is your case, you can ask your sister, friend or mother to accompany you. Over time you will feel more comfortable and this company will no longer be necessary.

Make sure the gynecologist has the necessary preparation

Forever Seek references to gynecologists you have as options to ensure you get the best possible care.

The importance of visiting the gynecologist

It is essential to remember that, as a woman, the sexual aspect determines many functions such as hormones and pregnancy .

Thus,  We recommend that you look for a gynecologist who inspires you confidence  and sees him as an important part of your life. Choose the one with which you feel most comfortable and have no problem asking any questions you may have.

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