Do Green Juices Help You Lose Weight?

If you have a few extra pounds, you are probably looking for strategies to regain your ideal weight. Thus, you may have heard that green juices help you lose weight; You could even have read hundreds of testimonials that talk about its supposed effects and benefits. But how true are its properties? Do they actually work?

Regarding this type of product, there is a reality that everyone must take into account; They are not miraculous and should be ingested in moderation to avoid having the opposite effect to the desired one. This time we want to tell you what is behind such popularity and what can be obtained with its consumption.

What are green juices?

Green juices are drinks that are obtained from green vegetables, such as cabbages, spinach or chard. They can also contain some fruit, nuts or seeds. In any case, they combine healthy foods, low in calories, which make a considerable contribution of micronutrients.

They became popular for a few years, as they were attributed almost miraculous properties for weight loss. Even today there are those who continue to claim that they are suitable for “burning fat” and losing weight. What do these drinks bring? Are they useful?

Green juices to lose weight

Green juices, a source of nutrients

The nutritional quality of green juices is considered quite good, since they combine healthy plant foods and do not usually contain added sugar. Both the vegetables and fruits they contain are a source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help promote well-being.

For example, they provide vitamin C, which contributes to muscle health and the body’s collagen synthesis. Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body and an optimal consumption of vitamin C is essential for its endogenous production.

On the other hand, green juices contain minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Likewise, as stated in an article published in the scientific journal Scientific Reports , they are a source of polyphenols and have a prebiotic effect that helps maintain the intestinal microbiota.

But all that glitters is not gold

As we have seen, green juices provide quality nutrients, but they have a trade-off. The fact of shredding the vegetables partially destroys the fibers they contain, losing a substance essential for health.

Fiber is, among other things, capable of modulating the absorption of sugars. Breaking it down during processing increases the rate at which glucose is metabolized, which is reflected in blood glucose levels. This is one of the reasons why it is suggested to consume natural fruits and vegetables.

In fact, according to a publication in the journal Nutrients , regular intake of free fructose is associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver. This contrasts with the recommendation to consume fruits on a daily basis, since fructose is the main sugar in them.

What makes the difference in this case is the presence of fiber, which in natural fruits is capable of modulating the absorption rate of fructose to reduce its metabolic impact.

On the other hand, the fact of destroying the fibers in green juices also conditions their ability to induce a state of satiety. The relationship between fiber consumption and reduced appetite has been substantiated by science.

Green juices

Do green juices help you lose weight?

With all the comments, there is no nutritional reason that leads to think that green juices help you lose weight. These preparations are devoid of fiber, and do not contain any substance within them capable of increasing the basal metabolic rate. For this reason, you will not experience any positive effect on weight loss from its intake.

However, this does not mean that they cannot be positive for health, in moderate amounts. They suppose an extra contribution of minerals and vitamins, reason why their consumption in the snacks can be able to complete the daily nutritional requirements.

In any case, it is necessary to consume them in a timely manner; otherwise, we will provide a higher amount of fructose than recommended, without the fiber necessary to minimize its impact on the body.

Consume green juices in moderation

It is true that they enjoy great popularity, especially on social networks. Many people overvalue their benefits and hardly anyone talks about their counterparts. The most appropriate option when talking about the consumption of green juices is prudence.

These preparations are capable of providing quality nutrients, but they do not have miraculous effects. They are not a substitute for main meals and are not able to stimulate weight loss.

They can be consumed, yes, in snacks to meet the demands of certain micronutrients such as iron and vitamin C. In addition, they have phytochemicals in their composition, which is an added value.

However, we must not forget that green juices are lacking in fiber, compared to vegetables in their raw form. This conditions the absorption rate of fructose, while generating a poor impact on the feeling of satiety. It is essential not to add sugar and not consume excessive amounts of them.

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