The 6 Worst Ingredients You Can Add To Your Coffee

It has been shown that consumption coffee It can increase memory, improve mood, heart health, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

However, there is a time when your coffee becomes your worst enemy : when you add artificial sugar and other things that are not healthy at all.

Not sure if your cup of coffee can be classified as healthy? Here we talk about it. Take note!

The 6 worst ingredients you can add to your coffee

1. Extra flavors

Coffee drinks that come in flavors like vanilla, hazelnut, or caramel are packed with sugar and artificial colors.

Worst ingredients you can add to your coffee: extra flavors

If you want to add a little flavor, try adding a few drops of vanilla , mint or any other extract of nuts.

These do not include added sugar, but you should be aware that these extra flavors can alter your blood glucose level.

Ideally, you should not add these substances. You must get used to avoiding them, remember that the taste of coffee is not really sweet.

2. Saccharin and derivatives

These zero-calorie sweeteners prevent you from drinking coffee that is heavily laden with real sugar. The problem? These are derived from sugar, so they also alter metabolism.

The result can translate into a higher food intake because they will not satisfy hunger at that time.

This can damage the development of intestinal bacteria and even increase the chances of developing diabetes.

AND Stevia leaf extract for sweetening coffee is the healthiest alternative. Avoid using sucralose (like Splenda ), which, although said to be healthier, is not really.

3. Sugar

Worst Ingredients You Can Add To Your Coffee: Too Much Sugar

A little sugar a day will not hurt you, but if you drink several cups of coffee a day, you should know that those empty calories accumulate quickly in your body.

Adding two small tablespoons of sugar multiplied by three coffees equals about 50 grams of sugar.

Considering that the recommended daily allowance for an adult is 90 grams of sugars  on a 2,000 calorie daily diet, that’s too much.

However, you don’t have to stop drinking several cups of coffee. You can look for healthier alternatives to sweeten its strong and bitter taste.

As long as you don’t exceed the recommended amounts, you can try using less sugar.

If you can choose, always choose brown sugar, which is much healthier,  or include natural spices such as cinnamon. This spice can help reduce those sugar spikes and prevent cravings.

4. Skim milk

This ingredient doesn’t necessarily have to be bad, but dairy with its natural fat has been shown to be better.

This indicates that people who regularly consume whole dairy products consume fewer carbohydrates over the years.

On the other hand, those who take skim products ingest significantly more carbohydrates, which generally translates into weight gain.

And that’s not all. What’s more Non-skim dairy consumption has been associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

This may be because the specific fatty acids in whole milk help prevent disease, which makes them a good option to add to your coffee.

5. Non-dairy creamer powders

This, without a doubt, is the worst ingredient you can add to your coffee. Well, what it does is clarify the coffee and only imitates the creamy texture that creams made from milk can have.

These non-dairy supplements often have corn syrup and vegetable oils, which translates to sugar and empty calories. .

AND This is a fancy way of saying artificial trans fats, the consumption of which causes clogging of the arteries and is linked to heart disease and  diabetes .

So, when you go on a trip, don’t accept these ingredients. They are usually handed out on airplanes and coffee shops.

6. Alcohol

The most wrong combination that you can make with your coffee is to mix it with any type of distilled beverage. This combination cannot possibly enter the club of healthy drinks.

You should not forget that alcoholic beverages give you energy but without any other additional nutrient that can bring you benefits. Worst Ingredients You Can Add To Your Coffee: Alcohol

Worst Ingredients You Can Add To Your Coffee: Alcohol

What’s more, alcohol intake is a causative factor in many diseases and health problems, such as mental and behavioral disorders.

Do not forget that alcohol in excess causes alcoholism , liver cirrhosis, some cancers, and heart disease. All this without counting on secondary problems caused by the violence it causes and traffic accidents.

With this list in mind you will surely have realized that our recommendation is that your coffee be kept as simple as possible . In any case, you can add some natural flavoring.

The best options are:

  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla essence
  • Mint essence
  • Soy milk
  • Almond milk

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