7 Symptoms That You Do Not Drink Enough Water

One of the signs that we can present when we do not drink enough water is an excess of appetite, since our brain confuses the need to drink with the need to eat

Although it seems paradoxical, many people do not drink enough water. However, they usually do not give it enough importance because they do not know the negative effects of dehydration. Discover in this article what are the 7 most common but unknown symptoms of not drinking enough water throughout the day. Did you know that it can be the cause of your skin problems, back pain or excess appetite?

Do you drink enough water?

The amount of glasses of water that we should drink throughout the day, outside of meals, will vary depending on age, time of year, pace of life, etc. However, we can say that it would be about 8 glasses a day. We can drink 2 glasses on an empty stomach, 3 glasses in the middle of the morning and 3 glasses throughout the afternoon. We will always do it outside of meals so as not to hinder digestion.

Symptoms from not drinking enough water

Perhaps one of your conditions has a very simple solution: drink more water.

1. Cognitive problems

If you have concentration and memory problems, you may be drinking little water. According to a British study in the Journal of Nutrition , a lack of water can influence our brain. The researchers showed that dehydration could cause cognitive problems such as memory and attention failures, lack of adequate response to certain visual stimuli, and changes in mood.

2. Dry skin and eczema

Dry skin is a pretty obvious symptom of a lack of hydration. Although it is also related to a diet low in essential fatty acids. However, water is essential for healthy, elastic and radiant skin. Eczema can improve or even disappear if we drink enough water throughout the day.

3. Premature wrinkles

Some facial wrinkles occur as you lose hydration. For this reason, people with dry skin often have premature expression marks. Drinking water is therefore a much more effective anti-aging remedy than we might think, as it is the fastest and most natural source of hydration.

Drink enough water

4. Dark circles

Those who suffer from dark circles know how difficult it is to eliminate them and they usually limit themselves to applying makeup so that they are not noticed. However, these dark marks that appear under the eyes can indicate some deficiencies, including hydration. If we drink enough water and we continue to have dark circles, we should consult a health professional.

5. Constipation

Constipation is a health problem that we must always treat, since it can lead to other much more important and even chronic long-term disorders. The important thing is to determine the cause, which may be related to a diet low in fiber, emotional issues or stress, etc.

There is a lesser known cause of constipation, which is lack of hydration in people who eat a diet rich in fiber. To digest fiber well, we must drink enough water. Otherwise, the only thing we will achieve is to make constipation worse and even feel more bloated.

6. Lumbar discomfort

Many people feel pain or discomfort in the upper lower back quite often. Although they can be muscle problems, the kidneys are located in that area, which can also be the cause of discomfort.

  • Sometimes the kidneys become inflamed or give alarm signals from the presence of stones.
  • Whatever the cause, drinking water will help us improve its function and eliminate stones and grit in the most natural way.

7 Symptoms That You Do Not Drink Enough Water

7. Excess appetite from not drinking enough water

If you are trying to lose weight and you cannot control your appetite, you should know that a lack of hydration can be one of the causes that you are always hungry or want to snack.

When we are thirsty, sometimes, we do not understand well the need that our body has and we tend to choose food. One of the best ways to know if we have an excess appetite for not drinking too much water is to drink a glass every time we feel like eating. We can also get used to drinking a glass of water half an hour before each meal.

In conclusion, before thinking that the problem is much more complex than it actually is, you can try drinking a little more water. However, it should be noted that it is not good to take water consumption to the extreme either. The balance is between 1.5 and 2 liters per day. As bad is the excess as the lack of water.

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