8 Habits That You Should Adopt If You Are Trying To Lose Weight

A balanced diet and the practice of physical exercise are two of the fundamental ingredients in the recipe to lose weight in a healthy and safe way. Discover more effective habits.

People who are somewhat overweight and obese often seek ways to lose weight. The reason is not only to look better aesthetically but because it is necessary for good physical and mental well-being. However, losing weight is not an easy task; Although there are many habits that help to achieve this, it is not achieved overnight.

Although there are some types of diets that promise incredible results in a matter of days, it is best to do it progressively without exposing your health to adverse reactions. And, although for some it is stressful not to see quick results, losing weight can take a while if it is done in a safe and stable way.

Fortunately, it is enough to adopt a few simple daily habits to begin to notice the changes; nor is it necessary to make plans that are too strict or dangerous. Therefore, this time we want to share the 8 best habits to incorporate into your weight loss routine.

1. Put healthy foods in sight

Fresh-food-valid-to-lose weight

Keeping healthy foods in sight helps improve dietary habits. This is especially useful when you want to lose pounds safely. For example, put fruits and vegetables on the table, or have a handful of nuts on hand. In this way, the tendency to consume high-calorie snacks such as fried foods and sweets is reduced.

2. Use small plates

Although it seems like a silly habit to some, the use of small plates is quite helpful. This will better control the calories in the main meals. In this way, the portions served on these plates are smaller and, since they take up all the space, they make the brain think that they are enough to fill itself up.

3. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables


The daily consumption of five or six servings of raw fruits and vegetables is a great help to support the processes that are responsible for eliminating excess fat. For example, its high content of water, fiber and antioxidant compounds promotes the elimination of waste and prevents it from interfering with metabolic health. In fact, increasing your intake of vegetables has been shown to reduce mortality.

In addition, they provide an extra energy to the body, improving its productivity both mentally and in physical activities. As if that were not enough, they prolong the feeling of fullness and reduce the tendency to consume more calories than you should.

4. Eat slowly to lose weight

Eating meals quickly minimizes the release of chemicals that make you feel full. Thus, temptations that lead to overeating are avoided. Although for some it is an unconscious act, it is necessary to try to improve it so that it does not negatively influence weight.

Take enough time to eat, chewing your food well, so, in later hours, you will not overdo the calories so much.

5. Consume water and healthy drinks

Increasing the consumption of water and healthy drinks is one way to support the functioning of the metabolism. This will help us lose weight faster. The liquid hydrates the cells of the body, improves the purification process in the excretory organs and helps to maintain satiety for more hours.

According to research published in the journal Clinical Nutrition Research, drinking a glass of water before meals reduces the sensation of appetite, which helps to avoid excesses.

To supplement a weight loss diet, we can also take:

  • Infusions with cleansing properties.
  • Green smoothies.
  • Fruit juice.

6. Sleep well

People who are trying to lose a few pounds should improve their sleep quality 100%. The reason is that this is essential to achieve good results.
During the rest period, important functions for metabolism are activated and, in turn, increases the production of hormones that control hunger.

Staying awake for a long time or having interrupted sleep increases cravings and increases the risk of obesity.

7. Do a combined exercise routine

Daily exercise is a great way to increase energy expenditure to make losing weight easier. However, when combined with strength training and physical demand, the benefits for losing weight are even greater. This is evidenced by research published in the journal Menopause .

8. Add seasonings to dishes

Incorporating some seasonings in the dishes serves to stimulate the functioning of the metabolism in order to reduce measures and kilos. For example, spices such as cayenne pepper and turmeric exert a stimulating action on metabolic activity. Therefore, they improve the processes that transform fats into energy.

Introduce effective habits if you are trying to lose weight

As you can see, it is about adopting simple practices that help reduce measures by controlling anxiety and boosting metabolism. Try to take them into account now and use them to support your eating plan.

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