Foods Rich In Biotin: Your Beauty Allies

Foods rich in biotin are essential for hair, nails and skin to look healthier and more radiant. Get to know them and incorporate them into your diet.

We are always looking for new allies for beauty. Today we will talk about biotin. It is a B group vitamin that helps maintain body image in excellent condition, this time we focus on telling you why you should eat foods rich in this nutrient.

It is like any other vitamin: essential for the body. So, for example, if you notice that your hair falls out or nails break easily, you may have a biotin deficiency in your body.

It should be noted that it is water-soluble, which means that it is easily absorbed thanks to the fact that it dissolves in water. This ensures that, by supplying biotin to the body, the results will be reflected in a short time. But it also means that there are no deposits of it in the body, so it is necessary to ensure its regular intake.

Also, increasing your intake will help regulate digestive and cardiovascular functions.

Learn about its properties, importance and the foods that contain it in this article.

Beyond beauty, properties of biotin

This vitamin is involved in various processes in the body. That is why it is vital that we make sure that we do not suffer a significant deficit in it. Foods rich in biotin:

  • They help stimulate the production of hemoglobin that carries red blood cells in the blood and, therefore, oxygen. If you have low hemoglobin, do not hesitate to include them in your diet.
  • It favors the transformation of glucose into energy, according to an article published in the journal “Nutrition”.
  • Helps digest and metabolize carbohydrates and fats more easily.

Biotin and beauty

We search tirelessly and in the end the same body and its nature give us the elements to highlight our beauty every day. Biotin is a vitamin that we must consume daily, between about 15 mg and 100 mg, in food or in capsules.

It is ideal for strengthening hair, nails and giving a touch of freshness to the complexion. Helps prevent psoriasis or dermatitis, as it allows to regenerate and strengthen tissues, including muscle.

Biotin and hair

Girl with long hair smiling.

After regularly eating foods rich in biotin, you will notice that the hair will strengthen and grow faster. In addition, it will look shiny and with more volume.

Similarly, this vitamin helps to stop hair loss, as stated in an article published in the magazine Skin Appendage Disorders. It also helps stimulate the growth of strong strands and make dandruff disappear. This is why it is very common for hair products to contain biotin.

Biotin and the skin

You cannot apply this vitamin in creams. After consuming it constantly as we have already explained, your skin will feel softer and more hydrated.

It is a great ally for the epidermis, it helps  fight seborrheic dermatitis and any condition that can take away its appearance of freshness. In addition, it strengthens the cells of the skin and nails, helping them to stay strong and long.

Biotin-rich foods

Believe it or not, there are many foods that can contribute biotin to the body. As much as possible, include them in your diet in a healthy way. These are:

Meat and fish

Beef liver stands out among the meats that contain the most biotin. It also provides zinc and iron, essential minerals for the body.

Remember that excessive consumption of red meat is not advisable. You can eat liver once a week.

Among fish, opt for salmon, which offers you other B vitamins (B3, B6 and B12) and provides omega 3 fatty acids, which together contribute to your cardiovascular health.


Eggs are sources of biotin.

The yolk of eggs is a rich source of biotin. On the other hand, eggs contain vitamin D and fibers that help prevent vision and muscle problems.

Remember that, contrary to what was believed until a few years ago, the consumption of eggs is not negatively related to health. Neither with an alteration of the lipid profile. Therefore, you can eat one egg a day within a balanced diet.


Nuts could not be missing from the list of foods that are allies for health. Not only do they contain biotin in a ratio of 28 micrograms per 100 grams, but they also provide fatty acids, protein, and fiber. In this way, they allow to maintain the health of the heart in good condition.


Legumes are good for the digestive process and provide various essential nutrients for the health of the body. Now, peas stand out because 100 grams provide 40 micrograms of biotin when fresh and 70 micrograms when dry.

Lentils are another option. For every 100 grams you can get 40 micrograms of biotin.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds, foods rich in biotin

They are used to eat them as an aperitif or snack. But sunflower seeds stand out above all for being very rich in antioxidants and magnesium. 100 grams of these seeds provide 55 micrograms of biotin.


Bananas are one of the few fruits that are considered a source of biotin. A medium banana weighing about 100 grams can supply 118 micrograms of biotin, in addition to fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C and B6.


Red fruits, honey and cereals.

Many of the cereals in the home contain a large amount of biotin. For example, 100 grams of rice bran provides 66 micrograms of this element. The same amount of oats provides 24 micrograms and barley 31 micrograms.

  • Other foods to consider include avocados, green leafy vegetables, berries, and tomatoes.
  • We can also obtain it from mushrooms, onions and carrots.

Take biotin to increase your beauty

You see that there are many foods rich in biotin that can help you enhance your beauty and keep your health in good condition. Consult with a trusted nutritionist and integrate them properly into your diet.

Remember that it is important to introduce these foods within the framework of a varied and healthy diet.

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