6 Foods To Eat If You Have Stomach Ulcers

Considered one of the best antacid foods, the potato is part of an excellent food group for stomach ulcers. Its benefits are attributed to its significant contribution of starches, fiber and antioxidants.

Stomach ulcers are lesions that develop in the mucous lining when there is an excessive production of acidic juices. To combat this problem, we present you a series of foods that can alleviate your symptoms and prevent recurrences.

According to Medline Plus experts, the most common cause of this condition is the growth of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria , although it can also be caused by excessive consumption of some medications.

The main symptom is a sensation of pain or burning in the abdominal region. However, it can be accompanied by acid reflux, a feeling of heaviness, and an intolerance to irritating foods.

Most of the cases pass in a mild way, being possible its treatment with some adjustments in the diet. However, sometimes there are complications such as vomiting and bleeding. In these cases, the intervention of a doctor is necessary.

There are a wide variety of foods that can help regulate stomach pH to speed up the relief of this problem. Next, we want to share in detail the 6 best ones so that you do not stop trying them when you face their symptoms.

Food for stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcer

Eating habits are decisive in the treatment of stomach ulcers. While some foods make symptoms and injury worse, others contain nutrients and properties that can help repair tissues for quick relief.

Of course, these are an adjunct to the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Although many control symptoms, they should not be considered a replacement for the recommended medications.

1. Carrot

Carrot is one of the most recommended vegetables for patients with stomach ulcers. Healing properties are attributed to it that, together, help repair the coating affected by excess acids.

Whether made into juice, puree or salad, this wonderful food can control ailments such as heartburn and acid reflux. This is mainly due to its content of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, as stated in an article published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry.

2. Apple

Due to its high concentration of essential nutrients, the apple is one of the most popular fruits.

It contains dietary fiber and organic acids that act as regulators of the digestive system. It is recommended for the relief of stomach ulcers, but also for gastritis, constipation and diarrhea.

3. Aloe vera

The crystals contained in the aloe vera plant stand out for their healing and antimicrobial action. Ingesting them in case of stomach ulcers can control the excessive production of acidic juices and irritation of the gastric mucosa.

In addition, it provides alloemodin and aloelein, components that help repair injured tissues, according to a study carried out in 2012.

4. Banana


The banana is a fruit rich in starches that, once assimilated in the body, help regulate the pH of the stomach. In turn, it helps to curb the discomfort caused by acid reflux and gastritis.

Its intake stops the deterioration of the gastric mucosa and reduces the presence of sores. It is gentle on the stomach and its nutrients help heal injured tissues.

5. Potato

Considered one of the best antacid foods, the potato is part of an excellent food group to help treat stomach ulcers. Its benefits are attributed to its significant contribution of starches, fiber and antioxidants that help to optimize the digestion process.

Its components slow down the inflammation process and promote the healing of tissues irritated by acids. In addition, it reduces abdominal burning and stops bloating and reflux.

6. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds soaked in water release a gelatinous substance that is effective in relieving stomach ulcers. Its consumption allows to calm the inflammation and burning that originate from this problem.

These, among other things, are an important source of omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber, nutrients recommended to promote the repair of stomach tissues in case of sores.

Its consumption can be done with yogurts. These foods contain a large number of bacteria that compete against  Helicobacter for colonization of the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, its regular consumption contributes to reducing ulcers and other digestive problems, as stated in an article published in 2017.

Foods to avoid if you have stomach ulcers

avoiding foods for stomach ulcers

There are many acidic foods that can make stomach ulcer patients worse.

It is important to learn to identify them, since it is not convenient to consume them during the recovery process.

The main ones are:

  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Industrial bread and pastries.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks.
  • Fried foods and fast food.
  • Sweets and products with refined sugar.

Improve your diet to avoid ulcers

Remember that you should immediately attend to any signs of complication of stomach ulcers.

Although they are not always serious, it is important to check their condition with the help of a doctor. With these foods for stomach ulcers you will be able to alleviate the symptoms to some extent.

In any case, a varied diet rich in fresh foods significantly reduces the risk of suffering from this type of pathology.

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