How To Prepare Our Own Homemade Astringents

Astringents have the ability to renew and invigorate our skin, reduce pores and oil on the skin,  and hide the appearance of fatigue. Therefore, today we bring a list of homemade astringents and instructions on how to prepare them.

Precisely, many women have oily skin,  which means that we must carefully take care of our face. Astringents represent one of the elemental products for the care of this type of skin.

In itself, with its antiseptic properties they  help balance fat levels  and keep you out of pimples and pimples.

In addition, they keep the face clean for longer and provide a freshness that will help make the face feel more pleasant.

It should be noted that it is very important to inform us to properly manage oily skin. In this way we will avoid mistreating or even aggravating this condition on our face.

Here are a variety of homemade astringents. Each one with different foods and of course, with instructions on how to prepare it.

If you want your face to look more beautiful and radiant, do not hesitate to try these homemade astringents. Adding this type of product to our beauty routine can help us  improve the appearance of facial skin.

Homemade astringent recipes

  • Sage astringent

Make an infusion of this plant with a handful per cup of boiling water (remember that a cup is 240 ml). Let cool covered, strain and soak a cotton ball with which you will make slight circular movements on the skin. Do not remove, let it absorb completely.

Infusion of sage as a homemade astringent

  • Lemon astringent

Lemon has very good properties to remove blemishes from the skin and at the same time close the pores. You simply have to mix the juice of half a lemon with some water. Apply with a cotton pad and then wash with cold water. It is an excellent recipe for men after shaving, because it disinfects the complexion and protects the skin.

It is not recommended to use this trick during the day or to be exposed to the sun, since lemon has the disadvantage of staining the skin in the light. Better at night or a day that you are not going to leave the house.

  • Cucumber astringent

Cucumber is one of the most used ingredients in cosmetics and beauty for its wonderful properties. It is very beneficial for dermal health.

Cut a few slices of cucumber as cold as possible (fresh from the fridge). Now place on the face and also on the eyes. Leave on for half an hour. Perfect for relaxing after a tiring day!

  • Papaya astringent

Papaya mask as a homemade astringent

For this recipe you will need a slice of papaya, a tablespoon of rose water (15 ml) and a tablespoon of honey (25 g).

Like peaches, papaya is a natural exfoliator and, at the same time, allows to renew the complexion. Honey is moisturizing and antiseptic, and rose water helps delay skin aging.

Mash the papaya until it is pureed and mix it with the other ingredients. Store in the fridge and let it cool down well. Then apply with your fingers twice a day (morning and night) and let it act for no more than five minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

  • Fruit astringent

The ingredients you need for this astringent recipe for oily skin are a slice of pineapple, half a red apple, five green grapes, four tablespoons of chamomile tea, and four tablespoons of rose water.

Place the unpeeled fruits (except for the pineapple) in the blender, add the rose water, mix well and add the chamomile infusion. Then soak a cotton ball and apply to the face with circular massages. Leave on for five minutes and remove with warm water.

  • Fruit astringent (another recipe)

There are several recipes for homemade astringents with fruits. The ingredients you will need in this case are four lemons, two oranges, a cucumber, two apples, four tablespoons of white alcohol (64 ml) and four tablespoons (60 ml) of rose water.

Extract the citrus juice, peel the cucumber and apples. Mix all the fruits in the blender and add the alcohol and rose water.

When you get a homogeneous cream, pour it into a sterilized glass bottle. Put in the fridge for two hours. After this time, shake and apply to the skin, leaving it to act for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

  • Tomato astringent

In a glass container with a tight lid, place 150 grams of ripe peeled tomato and 30 grams of glycerin. Apply to the face as if it were a mask. Since this preparation can only be kept in the fridge for one day, it is a good idea to get together with friends and have a spa day that leaves them beautiful.

Mode of application of homemade astringents

As you can see, the correct mode of application for most homemade astringents is  simply to moisten  (do not drain) a cotton ball with the astringent  and gently rub it all over your face. Avoiding the eye and lip area (with the exception of cucumber astringent).

You should apply it after washing your face. Then you let it dry  and add your night or day cream (these must be special for your skin type).

In sum, you have 14 options for homemade astringents. You can go testing until you find the one that works best for you or prepare those that are easier for you by having the ingredients at home.

It should be noted that because they are totally natural remedies, their results are better when we apply it consistently.

The daily use of astringent as part of your beauty routine, will help you feel your skin fresher and more mattified, and as the days go by you will notice significant changes in your face.

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