Combines These Two Ingredients And Relieves Sinusitis

The combination of the properties of ginger with those of vinegar will help us to relieve sinusitis symptoms in less time. Of course, we must be constant and be aware of going to the doctor in case of not noticing improvement.

When we talk about sinusitis, we can count on some natural remedies to control your symptoms and speed up your recovery. In the space that we have below we want to reveal a very interesting one that only uses two prodigious ingredients. We invite you then, relieve sinusitis with this home remedy.

First, of course, it is important to know what sinusitis is all about.  The sinuses are air-filled bony cavities that are located inside the skull, near the nose. These are lined by cells that make mucus, which keep the area lubricated while you breathe.

However, as a result of a bacterial or viral infection, this soft tissue can become inflamed and develop a condition known as sinusitis. As a consequence, secretions are altered and, in addition to increasing their quantity, they can be noticed as yellowish or greenish.

In addition to this, there are often severe headaches and a feeling of pressure from the nose to the top.

The infection is acute when it occurs after a cold or as a reaction to pollutants in the environment. However, some have it chronically and it can last up to 10 to 12 weeks.

Relieves sinusitis with the combination of these two ingredients

This remedy to relieve sinusitis comes from a combination of ginger root with apple cider vinegar. Both foods are famous for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and decongestant properties that support the treatment of various conditions.

In this special case we enhance its active principles in a simple mixture, which serves as a treatment against excess secretions, viral and bacterial infections and inflammation.

Ginger benefits

Ginger to relieve sinusitis

Ginger root has an active compound called gingerol that has been used for centuries as a remedy for digestive and respiratory complaints.

Its high content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals strengthens the body’s immune response to fight viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation of the soft tissues of the sinuses.

Likewise, it reduces allergic reactions and has an antifungal action that prevents the proliferation of fungi. Its aromatic power clears the nose of mucus and soothes pain related to sinusitis.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to relieve sinusitis

Apple cider vinegar is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and trace elements that can support the treatment of sinusitis.

Its properties strengthen the body’s defenses and reduce the risk of allergies, colds, flu and other respiratory difficulties that have been associated with this condition.

It also contains a good amount of potassium, a mineral that reduces excess mucus production and congestion. On the other hand, its antiseptic properties fight infection and clear the mucus to facilitate its expulsion.

How to prepare an apple cider vinegar and ginger remedy against sinusitis?


Having clear the benefits that these ingredients provide, the next thing is to proceed to elaborate the home treatment against sinusitis.

Keep in mind that you must buy 100% organic vinegar because the refined ones do not contain the same medicinal properties.


  • 1 large piece of ginger root
  • 1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar (250 ml)


  • Grate the piece of ginger root and place it, along with the vinegar, in a glass jar with a lid.
  • Put the product in a cool, dark place and let it marinate for 10 days.
  • During this time, shake it several times so that it concentrates well.

How to use

  • Treatment for this condition consists of inhaling the product for five minutes, twice a day.
  • Then at night, moisten an absorbent cloth and put it around your neck for an hour.
  • Repeat the same procedure for about five days and relieve sinusitis or gradually improve congestion.
  • If after this time you do not find improvement, consult your doctor to find out other possibilities.

Another alternative…

Aromatic power of ginger

Another way to take advantage of the aromatic power of ginger against this condition is by inhaling the vapors that its infusion gives off.


  • 5 tablespoons of fresh ginger (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water

What should you do?

  • Grate the fresh ginger and cook it in a pot with a liter of water.
  • Let it boil for three minutes, remove it from the heat and cover your head with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping.
  • Inhale the vapors for five minutes and rest.
  • Repeat this every night until you feel relief.

The recipes mentioned here are good supplements to treat those uncomfortable symptoms that sinusitis causes us. Follow the advice given in each case and you will see improvements in a matter of days.

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