Aloe Vera, Honey And Olive Oil Remedy To Calm Chronic Coughs

In addition to taking advantage of the properties of this natural remedy, to combat chronic cough it is essential to avoid tobacco smoke, as well as sudden temperature changes.

We speak of chronic cough when the cough lasts for more than 8 weeks in adults or 4 weeks in children. It is a symptom that can reduce the quality of life, since it tends to interrupt the rest period and leaves a strong feeling of exhaustion. 

Being a problem of multifactorial origin, such as respiratory diseases, acid reflux or smoking, it is important to go to the doctor and receive a diagnosis. The professional, after determining its cause, will determine what is the best treatment.

Now, as a complement to this, you can try some natural remedies that help calm the cough. Although they are solutions that still lack scientific support, they can serve as coadjuvants in some cases. Here we share an option with aloe vera, honey and olive oil.

Living with a chronic cough

Chronic inflammation and irritation not only affects the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses, but also the pharynx and larynx; thus, it activates a stimulation at the nervous level. The result is a cough, which can be occasional if we cure the inflammation, or chronic if it persists over time.

Chronic cough is not a serious disorder. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, it can lead to other respiratory complications and, in addition, it greatly worsens the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

This type of cough can prevent routine or work activities and make it difficult to rest at night. In this way, the person suffers fatigue, discouragement, nervousness or irritability, among other symptoms.

Aloe vera, honey and olive oil to calm a chronic cough

Natural remedies for chronic cough are not a first-line treatment for this problem. As we already mentioned, as it is a condition with many triggers, the treatments can be diverse. Usually the doctor suggests taking medications and lifestyle changes.

However, we can resort to certain natural preparations that serve as a complement to calm this symptom and reduce the irritation it causes in areas such as the throat. In this case, we propose a simple remedy with aloe vera, honey and olive oil. Do you dare to try it?

aloe vera

aloe vera.

The gel contained in aloe vera leaves is known throughout the world for its medicinal applications. In fact, in recent years it has been widely studied.

In recent research, published in Pharmacognosy Reviews , its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial capacity is recognized. All of these, together, could help relieve coughs.

Honey bee

Honey is often presented as the perfect complement to sweeten any syrup, juice or homemade preparation. In this way we not only avoid the harmful effects of sugar, but also add its medicinal properties.

There is evidence to support its use as part of cough treatment. A study published in the Cochrane Library suggests that honey is more effective than diphenhydramine and placebo in fighting cough symptoms in children. However, more research is required.

Olive oil

What are the best vegetable fats?

Did you know that with such a basic and common ingredient in the kitchen of many countries it can contribute to the relief of chronic coughs? Olive oil is one of the best options for cooking and dressing our dishes, but also for our health.

In a study published via Clinical and Experimental Allergy , olive oil showed positive effects against diseases such as asthma. Specifically, oleic acid reduces the risk of this disease.

Remedy with aloe vera, honey and olive oil

Combining aloe vera with honey from bees and olive oil we obtain a natural remedy that helps us to calm the cough and its discomfort. However, we must be aware that its effects may vary in each organism, depending on the cause of the cough. Therefore, it will always be necessary to consult a doctor.


  • 1 cup of aloe vera juice (250 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (45 ml)


  • If the honey is of good quality and has not been subjected to high temperatures, it may be solid. In this case, the first thing we will do is heat it in a water bath.
  • Next, we will mix the honey with the aloe vera juice and the olive oil. We will have to emulsify it well, since they are very different textures. We can also choose to whip it all up.
  • Store in the refrigerator in a closed bottle.

Consumption mode

  • To calm the cough and its associated symptoms, we can ingest the preparation 3 times a day. The dose is one tablespoon (15 ml) for each dose. Store the remaining mixture in a cool, dry place.

Olive oil is "liquid gold" very beneficial for health.

What if the cough persists?

Do you have a persistent cough? Can’t you improve it with basic care? If your answers are yes, consult your trusted doctor to learn about the treatment options available.

Under no circumstances let the problem pass and avoid resorting to self-medication, since although it is common, it is not always the best option to obtain relief.

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