Buttock Exercises For Men

The buttocks are muscles that must be worked constantly, since in this way it is possible to improve posture, which will be very useful when performing other types of exercises.

This series of glute exercises for men will allow you to have greater stability throughout your body. More if we talk about those men who spend a large part of their time training in search of achieving satisfactory results.

It is noteworthy that, although the bone morphology of the female pelvis is different from that of the male, the buttocks of both sexes are the same and can be developed by performing the same exercises, although men are favored by those that require less flexibility. This is because it has been determined that women are more flexible due to the concentration of estrogens.

Why train the glutes?

The glutes are made up of the extensor or gluteus maximus muscle, the abductors or gluteus medius and minor, and the rotators. These intervene in actions as simple and fundamental as walking, running, bending over and moving the hips. In addition, they provide stability to the back and pelvis; hence the importance of maintaining the exercised area.

Currently, conditions such as teleworking, obsession with video games and social networks, as well as some jobs that require sitting much of the time, threaten the health of this anatomical region. Discomforts are triggered, consequently, such as the so-called dead butt syndrome .

About this condition, Luis A. Feigenbaum, a physical therapist and sports specialist, pointed out in an article from the University of Miami Health System that it is a consequence of gluteal numbness. The hypothesis is that a muscle weakness is generated that compresses, tightens and pinches the nerves.

Thus, training the buttocks is important to improve the quality of life, provide greater resistance and stability in those men who are already immersed in a culture of sports or physical training. Not least, it influences your aesthetic perception.

Man exercising his glutes.

Recommended exercises for the buttocks

Below we will recommend a series of glute exercises for men that can be performed at home or in the gym. Also, there is a lot of benefit to them by increasing reps and engaging a little weight as time goes on and goals are reached.

1. Squats

Squats are one of the most traditional exercises when it comes to working the glutes. Its execution is very versatile and can be varied to obtain different results. In addition, it is considered a fundamental exercise that cannot be lacking in conditioning routines.

How to do it?

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your gaze straight ahead, and extend your arms.
  • Bend your knees past the balls of your feet and contract your glutes.
  • It is important that the back is kept straight and not arched. Try to pull the tailbone out.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and extend your knees again to return to the original position.
  • It is recommended to do a minimum of three sessions of 10 repetitions.

2. Quadruped hip extensions

This exercise is another of those classics with which very good results are obtained in this area. They can be done without weight and in the simplicity of the home.

How to do it?

  • Lay a mat on the floor and get into a quadruped position. Hands shoulder-width apart and knees aligned with hips.
  • Keep your neck and back straight, gaze fixed, and take off your right knee, lifting your leg up and contracting your glutes.
  • It is important that during this movement you do not arch your back. Therefore, raise your leg as far as possible doing a good execution of the movement.
  • Hold for a few seconds, return your knee to the floor, and repeat with your left leg.
  • Perform a minimum of four sets of 10 reps.

3. Hip extension or hip thrust

This exercise works the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius, influences posture and is one of the essential exercises when exercising this muscle through electromyography (EMG). This method allows to know the neuromuscular activation of athletes.

How to do it?

  • You must have a bench on which to support your back and a weight to place on the hips, such as a disc bar.
  • It is important to make sure that the bank does not move; you can place it on a rubber floor or leaning against the wall.
  • Sit on the floor and in front of the bench with your legs bent and in a position that raising your hips forms a 90-degree angle.
  • With your feet hip-width apart, rest your shoulder blades on the bench. Make sure that the shoulders and lower back are not reclined, as this does not favor the execution of the movement and it is not safe to do it this way.
  • Place the disc bar above your hips and at pubic level, below the iliac crests, and grip the bar with both hands to prevent it from moving.
  • Now extend your hips so that your body is straight between your shoulder blades and your knees.
  • Hold the weight, breathe and return to the starting position taking care of your tailbone. Do not unload the body on the floor with too much force.
  • Perform a minimum of two sets of 10 reps.

4. Lunges or lunges

With this exercise you will not only be able to work and tone your glutes effectively, but also your legs, since it involves muscles such as the quadriceps and hamstrings in its execution.

How to do it?

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips, like making jugs.
  • Take a step back with your right leg and bend both knees at right angles.
  • Pick up your leg to stand and repeat again.
  • It is important to keep your gaze straight ahead and your back always straight.
  • Perform 10 reps with your right leg and then 10 reps with your left leg. You can specify 3 sessions.
  • To increase the demand you can use a pair of dumbbells.

5. Romanian deadlift

We culminate this series of glute exercises for men with the Romanian deadlift; one of the most effective, but also the most demanding. Success consists in increasing the load as experience is gained in its execution.

How to do it?

  • This exercise can be done with a barbell or dumbbells. The idea is to start lightly so that you can focus on learning to execute the movement and avoid injury.
  • Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, grip the dumbbells firmly, and keep your gaze down on the ground. Straight neck and back.
  • Now, with your hands stretched down, roll your glutes and hips back and semi-flex your knees.
  • The flexion will be done until the weight or the hands are below the knees. Breathe and return to the starting position by squeezing your glutes.
  • Do two sets of 10 reps.
Man performs hip trhust.

Gluteal stretch

In addition to preventing or alleviating low back pain, stretching the buttocks at the beginning of a routine prepares the muscles for the effort to be made. On the other hand, doing it afterwards helps to relax them. In this way, you will also reduce the risk of injury during the execution of the glute exercises for men.

These are two simple glute stretches:

  • Lie on your back, cross one leg over the other and raise them towards you. Help yourself with your arms to keep your legs up for about 30 seconds. Return to the original position and cross your other leg to repeat the stretch.
  • Now, turn around, face down with your elbows resting on the mat. Pelvis and knees flat on the floor. Raise your right knee as high as you can towards your chest and touch your left thigh with your heel. Drop the weight from your hips onto your heel and hold this position for 30 seconds. Return to the original position and repeat with the left leg. The back is always straight, the gaze forward and the elbows supported.

Work for firm glutes

Including these glute exercises for men in your routine, about two or three times a week, will undoubtedly help you get firm muscles.

This will result in a better posture thanks to the support it provides to the pelvis and back, which in turn allows other more demanding exercises to be performed with total mastery. So go ahead and include them in your training routine.

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