Ginger And Aloe Vera Infusion

The infusion of ginger and aloe vera is one of the natural drinks that you can easily prepare when you need a different and healthy complement to your diet. Especially when you suffer from fluid retention or other related ailments.

Although the mixture of these ingredients is not common, it can be pleasant when prepared as a hot drink.

Keep in mind that in addition to hydrating and stimulating urination, hot drinks (teas and infusions) can help you experience a certain sense of well-being and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

There are those who enjoy it as is as an infusion, without any additional ingredients, and there are those who prepare the infusion as a base for their fruit smoothies. In this sense, we comment that it can be very good with a touch of honey and cinnamon (another aromatic spice with anti-inflammatory properties), or it can be the base of an apple smoothie.

Benefits of ginger and aloe vera infusion

Fresh and ground ginger root.

The infusion of aloe vera and ginger can help regulate intestinal transit and thereby reduce abdominal inflammation. On the other hand, it can also help to supplement daily hydration and expel retained fluids.

Additionally, according to beliefs, this drink could also help accelerate metabolism and thus help burn fat. This comes in part from the properties that both ingredients have:

  • Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can also help to relieve swelling in the extremities in some way.
  • Aloe vera gel is mainly made up of water, mucilage and other carbohydrates, organic acids and salts, enzymes, sterols, triglycerides, amino acids, RNA, traces of alkaloids, vitamins and various minerals.

    Ginger and aloe vera infusion recipe

    To enjoy the following recipe, we recommend that you always use fresh ingredients and, as far as possible, avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners.

    In case you cannot consume it without a sweet touch, add a little honey, but stay in moderation, as this is a food full of calories.


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
    • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g).
    • ½ teaspoon of grated fresh ginger (2.5 g).
    • Optional: honey (1 teaspoon, 5 g).


    • Bring the water to a boil in a pot.
    • Extract some aloe vera gel and wash it with plenty of water to remove the yellow sage that covers it.
    • Once it reaches its boiling point, add the grated fresh ginger along with the tablespoon of aloe vera (the translucent gel from the inside of the plant’s own stalk).
    • Let everything simmer for 15 minutes.
    • Turn off the heat and let the liquid sit for another 10 minutes.
    • Strain the liquid and serve.
    • Drink in moderation.

    Ginger tea with lemon.


    It is important to take into account the contraindications of both foods, since both ginger and aloe vera can cause adverse reactions in some cases. 

    • If you suffer from hypertension, Crohn’s disease, or gallstones, avoid consuming ginger.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not consume ginger or aloe vera.
    • If you are undergoing any treatment for constipation, it is not recommended that you consume aloe vera, as it can cause diarrhea and dehydration.
    • In general, if you are going to consume aloe vera, always do it in small amounts, since it has laxative properties that can cause you discomfort.
    • People with diabetes should avoid consuming aloe vera, as it can interfere with drug treatment and can also cause hypoglycemia.
    • You should also not consume aloe vera if you are taking diuretic or anticoagulant medications or are about to undergo surgery, since you could suffer bleeding.
    • If you have kidney problems (Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis), hemorrhoids, or liver problems, don’t take aloe vera.
    • Children under 12 years old should not consume aloe vera.  

    Now that you know what the contraindications of these ingredients are, you can maintain the relevant precautions.

    In case you cannot consume the infusion of ginger and aloe vera, we recommend that you look for other options and consult with your doctor before starting to incorporate them into your diet.

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