3 Detox Shakes To Increase Your Vitality

Detox shakes are a good option for those days when we have committed small excesses in our diet  and we feel heavy, tired and with little vitality.

They are made from foods rich in minerals and vitamins suitable to regenerate tissues, to nourish and to drain the body. They are an easy and effective resource to feel better.

If in recent days you notice that your digestions are heavier, do not hesitate to try these excellent natural options that are good for the whole family and that will also provide you with adequate energy.

Detox smoothies: apple, lemon and parsley

The simple combination of apple, lemon and parsley will provide you with a set of essential phytonutrients with which to achieve the following benefits:

  • You will optimize liver functions: The vitamin C of the lemon, the peptin of the apple and the cleansing principles of the parsley will help you detoxify the liver cells and strengthen them.
  • Parsley is rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron and sulfur, ideal for mineralizing energy-deficient organisms and also improving the functionality of the kidneys.
  • Thanks to lemon you will not only be able to raise your defenses, but also to alkalize your body to eliminate harmful substances.


  • Apple.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • Parsley (5 g).
  • Water (200 ml).


  1. It is best to add the apple with the skin to our smoothie. To do this, remember to clean it well before cutting it into four parts.
  2. Get the lemon juice and take it to the blender along with the chopped apple, the parsley and our glass of water.
  3. Get a drink as homogeneous as possible and drink little by little. It will help you start the day with adequate nutrients and detoxify the body.

Detox smoothies: Beets, strawberries, lemon and avocado

beet detox smoothies

An excellent way to detoxify our body is by consuming strawberries. Far from being a caloric fruit, the strawberry stands out as a diuretic, cleansing and anti-inflammatory remedy.

  • If, in addition, we combine them with beets and lemon, we enhance their energy power and regulate intestinal transit.
  • For its part, beets are detoxifying and healing, they also improve our liver function and their properties promote digestion, while helping us improve circulation, relieve headaches or treat heartburn.
  • In our shake we are also going to include half an avocado to revitalize ourselves and get more nutrients to start the day. The taste is delicious and it is worth a try.


  • Small beets.
  • 8 strawberries
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • ½ avocado.
  • Water (200 ml).


  1. The first thing we will do is get a medium-sized cooked beet. We cut it in half and reserve.
  2. As for the strawberries, we will proceed to wash and cut them in half and include them in the blender, along with the beet and the juice of half a lemon.
  3. In our detoxifying and energetic morning shake, adding that half avocado will be very good for you. You will get a finer and more delicious flavor that you will love.

However, we have to point out that if it is not strawberry season, this smoothie also does very well with pineapple. 

Already in the blender, we obtain a homogeneous smoothie with the strawberries, beets, lemon and the glass of water.

Detox Smoothies: Celery and Honey

honey and celery detox shakes

Celery is a very suitable natural detoxifier to alkalize our body. It fights rheumatic diseases, reduces hypertension and adequately treats many stomach problems.

  • We could say without mistake that celery is that essential vegetable when preparing any detoxifying shake. If, in addition, we add an equally healing element such as honey, we get a medicinal remedy that will go very well on those days when you feel tired and without energy.
  • Honey is a natural cleanser capable of strengthening our immune system and relieving heartburn.

If we drink this drink based on honey and celery throughout the day we will achieve unsurpassed well-being.


  • Celery.
  • Honey (50 g).
  • Water.


  1. The first thing we are going to do is clean and cut the celery branches and then crush them a little with the help of a mortar. In this way we get your essential oils to go outside.
  2. Add the celery to the bowl of the mixer and include a glass of water and the two tablespoons of honey. Blend well to get a smooth drink.
  3. Then, in a jar, add that honey and celery-based smoothie and dilute it with three more glasses of water.
  4. What we will do is drink throughout the day. The first glass on an empty stomach, and the next 20 minutes before each meal.


Here we have just proposed three options for healthy, delicious and detoxifying shakes that will give you vitality. Get to it and enjoy.

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