Healing Drink To Combat Cellulite Of The Body

Cellulite is one of those aesthetic problems that affects many women around the world, regardless of age or origin. Do you want to discover how to fight cellulite in the body? Continue reading!

In this article we will introduce you to a natural remedy that can help you fight against the famous orange peel skin. Remember that you should always consult your doctor before adopting any treatment, especially if you have any health problem or skin abnormality.

What is cellulite?

Healing Drink To Combat Cellulite Of The Body

Cellulite is the accumulation of adipose tissue in certain areas of the body. This leads to nodules, or small dimples, which are also known as “orange peel”.

It is estimated that between 85% and 98% of the female population suffers from some degree of this disorder from adolescence onwards.

Although it is not a disease as such, many women fight it to regain the normal appearance and beauty of their skin in those areas of the body where it is too noticeable.

In response, many beauty centers and companies offer products and treatments that can help alleviate it. However, some are too expensive and are not always available for those who suffer from this condition.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that help fight cellulite in the body. Remember that you should never ingest natural remedies or apply any product without first consulting with your doctor.

This time we want to share a natural remedy against cellulite, which is very popular. Find out!

Fight cellulite on the body

This anti-cellulite drink combines the properties of citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemon and orange. The essential nutrients in these fruits favor the elimination of toxins, while promoting good circulation. This is corroborated by a study published in the Cuban Journal of Angiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

Although it is not a miracle remedy, it does work as a supplement to reduce the appearance of orange peel skin. An article published by the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology confirms the properties of grapefruit, lemon and orange to combat cellulite.

Grapefruit benefits

Grapefruit benefits

This delicious citrus fruit has earned a place in the diet of those who want to lose a few kilos.

It is low in calories and contains fiber, vitamins and antioxidant compounds that promote the elimination of toxins. This is highlighted by a study published in the journal Pharmacognosy Research .

Thanks to its contribution of polyphenols, ingesting it on a regular basis helps protect the body from damage caused by free radicals in the environment.

On the other hand, its vitamin C helps stimulate collagen production to keep skin smoother, younger and firmer. This is pointed out by a study published in the magazine Mostra Científica da Farmácia.

In addition, grapefruit contains a type of fiber called pectin, which in the body can reduce triglycerides by up to 27% and bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 15%. This is how an article published in the Journal of Health Research and Information describes it.

It has also been shown to be a great stimulus for metabolism, since it normalizes blood sugar levels and prevents the accumulation of fat, as corroborated in the article in the Journal of Health Research and Information already cited.

Lemon benefits

Lemon benefits

Lemon juice has been highly valued in alternative medicine for its ability to help prevent and combat common and serious diseases.

It is very popular in diets to lose weight and reduce fat, as it contains essential nutrients that promote detoxification and elimination of lipids. This is stated in an article published in the Chilean Nutrition Magazine.

Its vitamin C content is essential for cellular metabolism and defenses. In addition, it has flavonoids and a lipid-lowering effect that increases the mobilization of fats present in the blood. This is corroborated in an article published in the Cuban Journal of Food and Nutrition.

Likewise, it has a diuretic effect that allows to regulate fluids in the body’s tissues to reduce inflammation. An academic document from the Los Angeles Chimbote Catholic University talks about the diuretic properties of lemon.

For these reasons, it is recommended to include lemon in the diet of those who want to fight cellulite in the body.

Orange benefits

The Orange

Orange juice is rich in citric acid and powerful antioxidants that boost the elimination of toxins. A graduate thesis from the José Faustino Sánchez National University mentions these virtues of the orange.

It is considered that its daily consumption can reduce the chances of obesity by up to 14%. A study from the Western University of Ontario indicates that orange has a molecule called nobiletine and that it helps prevent obesity.

Its richness in antioxidants reduces cell oxidation and thanks to vitamin C it favors the creation of collagen to keep tissues in good condition. An article published in the MERIDiES journal points out that orange promotes collagen synthesis.

Preparation of the anti-cellulite drink

The preparation of this drink is very simple. The best? It can be consumed every day for good results.

We will also add a little ginger. This spice will enhance the effects since it is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.


  • A lemon.
  • One large grapefruit.
  • A piece of ginger.
  • 2 oranges


  • Wash and sanitize all the ingredients.
  • Peel the grapefruit, lemon, and oranges.
  • Put the citrus fruits in the blender and add the piece of ginger.
  • Process everything for a few moments (you can add water, if you consider it necessary).

Consumption mode

  • Take it fresh, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • The basic treatment should be done for two weeks in a row; then one rests and then takes up again.

What do you think of this drink to fight cellulite in the body?

Do not forget…

The effects of this juice depend a lot on the lifestyle habits that you incorporate into your routines. Exercise, eat healthy and avoid those things that promote the accumulation of fat. Remember to consult your doctor before ingesting any natural remedy and follow his advice.

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