How To Prepare A Homemade Cream To Firm The Eyelids

Although several applications are needed to achieve the desired effects on the eyelids, from the first application we will notice the skin that is smoother, softer and more toned

The skin of the eyelids is much more delicate than other areas of the face. Due to its direct exposure to the sun and toxins, it tends to easily develop sagging and premature signs of aging.

Here we tell you what its benefits are and how to prepare a firming cream at home following a few very simple steps. Take note!

Sagging of the eyelids

This flaccidity can also occur due to genetic factors. However, most of the time it reflects a deficit of nutrients due to lack of care.

It can be corrected with some surgical procedures, especially when the eyelids droop and compromise vision. However, there are less aggressive alternatives that can be used for mild cases.

Among these options we find a homemade and natural cream.  Due to its combination of ingredients, it provides elasticity and firmness to this area of ​​the skin.

Homemade cream to naturally firm the eyelids


The combination of ingredients in this natural cream allows us to provide the skin of the eyelids with an extra essential nutrients. These help to firm and tone without causing aggression or unwanted effects.

  • Its regular application supports the production process of collagen and elastin, two substances that keep the skin smooth and free of imperfections.
  • It is designed to reduce the swelling and fatigue that usually affect this area of ​​the face, since its ingredients have anti-inflammatory and cooling properties.
  • Its high contribution of antioxidants minimizes the negative action of free radicals, thus preventing the loss of elasticity and the appearance of premature wrinkles.
  • It contains vitamins C and E, both necessary to stimulate circulation and, incidentally, promote cell regeneration.
  • It also has an interesting amount of essential fatty acids, which help preserve the natural moisture of the skin to avoid discomfort due to dryness.
  • As if that were not enough, its essential nutrients create a protective barrier against the effects of the sun’s UVA rays, and prevent the weakening of this delicate skin.

How to prepare this homemade cream to firm the eyelids?

homemade cream to firm the eyelids

To prepare this homemade cream you must make sure you buy fresh and 100% organic ingredients. This is because their concentration of nutrients is stronger and, due to their way of cultivation, they have not been exposed to pesticides or the like.

  • It is made with aloe vera gel, an ingredient rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances. Together, they stimulate the regeneration and toning of the skin.
  • It has oatmeal and natural yogurt, which act as exfoliating and softening agents. Therefore, they eliminate dead cells and impurities that are retained in this area.
  • Cucumber is also added, a food that, due to its high water content, tones and firms, especially when the skin tends to sag.


  • 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (60 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of rolled oats (20 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt (72 g)
  • 5 slices of cucumber without peel


  • Cut an aloe vera leaf with the help of a knife and carefully extract the gel it contains inside. Make sure you get at least 4 tablespoons of it.
  • Add the aloe to the blender and process with the oatmeal, natural yogurt and cucumber.
  • Beat everything until you get a homogeneous cream without lumps.

Application mode

  • Remove makeup from the eyelids and around the eyes. Then, after washing the skin with water and neutral soap, proceed to apply the natural cream.
  • Rub a small amount on the eyelid, being careful not to get the product in the eye.
  • Cover it well and, if you like, apply it around the area as well.
  • Let it work for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Store the remaining product in the refrigerator and repeat its use every night.

Are you ready to try it? If you notice the skin on your eyelids a little saggy, or you are worried that it will lose its firmness, go ahead and prepare this natural cream and include it in your beauty routine.

Of course, keep in mind that its effects are not obtained immediately. Although from the first application the skin feels smoother and toned, it is necessary to be constant with the treatment. Use it at least 3 times a week to take advantage of its benefits.

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