14 Foods That Should Never Be Missing In Your Fridge

You open the fridge and you realize that there is only half a tomato and a lemon left in your fridge. What are you doing now for dinner?

So that this does not happen to you, you need to make a purchase a little more conscious and organized.

But, beyond that, pay attention to the following article, where you will know a fantastic list of foods that should never be missing in your fridge.

What things should always be in your fridge?


This citrus brings its properties but also its flavor to many dishes. And if you are thirsty, a good lemonade with water, sugar and ice is not bad at all.

In food you can use it with fish, marinades, fried foods and salads. A perfect component to leave aside the salt.

Among the proven benefits of lemon are its power to help the heart, according to this study carried out by the Beni-Suef University (Egypt); In addition, it has antioxidants and contributes to good digestion.


It is from the same family as parsley, so you can use the one that is easiest for you to find.

This spice, widely used in sauces, stews and chicken,  will add an excellent flavor to your vegetable and meat dishes.

It is best to always keep it fresh and cut it just before use.



It can be bought or homemade. In the latter case, remember that it does not last for many days.

Mayonnaise has a lot of vitamin E, given its high olive oil content.

In addition, it is used in thousands of recipes, from a sandwich to a piece of meat, to a potato and egg salad to a serving of turkey. Allows you to season various foods.


It is another of the condiments that cannot be missing in your fridge. You can prepare the mustard yourself (with the granites) or buy it made. Some brands offer it combined with herbs.

It is perfect for dressing green salads, sandwiches, vegetables, red meat, cold cuts and cold cuts.


The basis of many recipes and is also an easy solution to spread on toast for breakfast or when you get home from work and want to attack the first thing that appears before your eyes.

Butter is so versatile that it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, raw or cooked, hot or cold.

However, due to its high content of saturated fat, it should be consumed in moderation so that it can be part of a healthy diet.

madlyinlovewithlife butter


There are many types of cheese, therefore, you will have to choose the ones that you like the most in your house.

White cheese, for example, can be used for snacks or cakes. Mozzarella cheese for pizzas, cream cheese for filling cakes.

There are also cheeses that are used for desserts, such as mascarpone or ricotta. Grating cheese adds a lot of flavor to foods such as soups, stews, pasta.


They get you out of any trouble. Some eggs cooked with salt and oregano take away your hunger until you come back from the market. They can also be used to make cakes, doughs, desserts.

If you want you can fry them, eat them cooked, shakes or combine with many other ingredients.

According to this study from the University of Connecticut (United States), eggs help increase levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol. In the same way, this research affirms that in the healthy population the consumption of 2 or 3 eggs a day could contribute to the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Hard-skinned fruits

Bananas, apples, and avocados are in this group. The good thing is that they keep for several days in the fridge and they take away your hunger.

They can be eaten raw and are perfect to satisfy our appetite until dinner time. In addition, they are a healthy alternative for children.



Some people put this food of American origin in the refrigerator to keep it better. Grandmothers say that you can never miss a house.

If we had to choose a food that gets you out of more than one trouble, the potatoes would win the jackpot.

You can make a puree, an omelette, some chips, a salad with potato and egg (another essential, according to my grandmother), with cream or with octopus, olive oil and paprika.

Onion and garlic

Although onion and garlic do not have many applications beyond the salad, they can help you add more flavor to any meal. In the same way, garlic contains important antibacterial properties, as stated in this study by Ibrahim Garba et al.

The most bland dish becomes a gourmet dish thanks to these two elements.

And not to mention if we start to list all the benefits that garlic and onion bring to health.


Together with cheese they can make the richest sandwich ever. A little Serrano ham as a snack can be a delicacy of the gods.

If you cut it into cubes and sauté it with olive oil and a little toast, you can eat something tasty and healthy before dinner time.

pie ham cheese

Dairy products

We have already talked about butter and cheeses, but we must not forget about milk and yogurt.

They are very complete foods that can be consumed alone (according to taste). In the case of milk, it has utility in both sweet and savory dishes.

Or for a delicious latte in the morning. It is recommended to store them in glass bottles so that they maintain their flavor.

Also pay attention to the expiration date.

Cream or cream

Another dairy with which we can make a separate paragraph. Sour cream, cream or milk cream can be used in various preparations, depending on the case, sweet or salty.

Going back to the example of the pasta dish, try eating them with a little cream on top: you will not regret it.


The good thing about this vegetable is that it can be kept for a few days in the fridge.

A tip to make them last longer is to leave them in the plastic shopping bag, in the vegetable drawer.

You can eat it both raw and cooked and it will get you out of various troubles. Grated, diced, or as a filling, carrots are delicious.

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