7 Tricks To Combat Muscle Degeneration

There is no miracle method to combat macular degeneration. However, there are some natural habits and remedies that can help you deal with this condition. Don’t you know them yet? This time we want to review some of the most outstanding ones.

Macular degeneration is directly related to old age and is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 60 years of age.   This problem is characterized by the deterioration of central visual acuity, which is necessary to detail objects.

The importance of this is due to the fact that daily activities such as reading or driving depend on this vision.   Fortunately, there are various tricks to combat and slow the progression of this disease, complementing medical advice .

The best tricks to fight macular degeneration

To date there is no cure to stop macular degeneration; however, some care and remedies can help slow its progression. Its application can help improve ocular function, providing protection against harmful agents.

1. Ginkgo biloba infusion

Ginkgo biloba is a tree from China and is also known as silver apricot. It is used to combat disorders associated with aging and for its diuretic and antioxidant effects.

Therefore, it is ideal as a complement to prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases or neurological disorders linked to a lack of blood circulation, and to combat macular degeneration.  To take advantage of its benefits we can prepare an infusion.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of dried ginkgo biloba leaves (10 g)


  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the tablespoon of ginkgo biloba.
  • Let the decoction take place for 10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, remove from heat, strain and drink.

2. Blueberry infusion

The blueberry is a very old plant of unknown origin.  It grows wild in cool areas of the Northern Hemisphere and has astringent and antidiarrheal properties.  

The blueberry plant works as a hypoglycemic agent thanks to the action of its antioxidants. Thus  It is useful in the treatment of type II diabetes and in the prevention of associated visual disorders, such as diabetic retinopathy.

In addition, this plant is a great antiseptic and helps prevent urinary infections. Its antioxidant properties help curb oxidative stress, minimizing premature aging.  Enjoy it as an infusion. 


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of dried cranberry leaves (10 g)


  • In a pot, heat the water.
  • As soon as it boils, add 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed blueberry leaves.
  • Let it infuse over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and let it rest.
  • You can take it 3 times a day to get all its benefits.

3. Siberian ginseng water

Siberian ginseng

It is a plant belonging to the Araliaceae family and It is known to be an excellent natural remedy to improve memory and fight macular degeneration .   It is even believed that it increases longevity.

However, its use for long periods of time is contraindicated as it usually causes insomnia , tachycardia and anxiety.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon of Siberian ginseng (10 g)


  • Add the water and Siberian ginseng to a pot and heat it. You should keep it on low heat until it boils.
  • Then the infusion must marinate for 12 hours.
  • After the indicated time, strain and start consumption.
  • To optimize its benefits you can take 2 to 3 cups a day for a maximum of 3 months.

4. Don’t forget about medical check-ups

It is very important to go to the ophthalmologist at least once a year, especially after 50 years. But even if you haven’t reached this age, you should go to the specialist at the first symptoms of macular degeneration :

  • Difficulty recognizing faces and watching television.
  • Objects are often perceived as straight, bent, or wavy.

5. Eye care

5 eye care mistakes you may be making

  • The use of glasses with UV protection directly influences the prevention of macular degeneration since the sun’s rays are highly harmful to vision.
  • If you have the habit of reading at night or watching television, it is important to use lamps that provide adequate lighting.

    The progression of the disease can be delayed with proper eye hygiene.   Those who wear contact lenses should wash them regularly to prevent contaminating products from entering the eye region and you should never go to sleep without removing them first.

    6. Personal care

    • Prevention of this disease includes limiting or avoiding alcohol or tobacco habits.
    • It is also important to lead a healthy life practicing physical activity complemented with a balanced diet, since the overweight affects the appearance of macular degeneration.
    • Being overweight also contributes to the development of chronic diseases such as type II diabetes or high blood pressure.

    7. Nutrition to combat macular degeneration

    The diet for people seeking to combat macular degeneration should be rich in the following nutrients:

    • Zinc. It can be found in peanuts, chocolate, cocoa powder, lamb, and oysters.
    • Vitamin C. Present in the Kiwi , spinach, tomatoes, guava, grapefruit, green peppers and Brussels sprouts.
    • Vitamin E. It is found in vegetable oils, such as wheat germ, sunflower, and soybean oils, as well as spinach and broccoli.
    • Beta-carotene, which is present in red bell peppers, sweet potatoes, and squash.
    • Lutein and zeaxanthin. They can be found in spinach, turnips, cabbages, green peas, corn, broccoli, lettuce, and eggs.

    Macular degeneration does not necessarily imply blindness

    Although leading a healthy life is vital to prevent this disease, it is important to clarify that suffering from it does not imply an absolute loss of vision.

    Although vision deterioration does occur and it affects basic daily activities such as reading or driving, with the help of medications, therapies and changes in diet and lifestyle you can continue your life without facing major obstacles.

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