Eliminate Stomach Bacteria With An Effective Treatment With Figs

Some gastrointestinal problems are caused by the presence of bacteria. Sometimes, drinking water that has not been treated or consuming food that has not been previously washed causes our body to be affected by these microorganisms, but could figs be the solution to eliminate bacteria from the stomach?

The 2004 article called “Gastrointestinal infections” points out that among the most common bacterial conditions is diarrhea, understood as an increase in the frequency of fluid stools. However, it is also possible to suffer from stomach diseases characterized by abdominal pain and general discomfort.

Now what can you do? Of course, you can always consult the doctor and, in fact, you should do it if the symptoms persist for a couple of days since, in many cases, it is necessary to take medication.

If the symptoms are mild, some home remedies could help you alleviate the symptoms, such as the one that we will present below. It is a totally natural option based on figs. Read on and find out all about it.

The benefits of figs


Did you know that figs are not fruits? As you read, despite being commonly used to make all kinds of delicious desserts and jams, they are actually fruitless, that is, fertilized flowers. Its main characteristic is its interesting nutritional level. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation they provide:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Fiber.
  • Vitamins B and C, and provitamin A.
  • Minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

They would allow to eliminate bacteria from the stomach

The fig is a food considered easily digestible. In addition, Ayurvedic medicine specialists argue that its consumption would help eliminate bacteria from the stomach.

Although we have not found research on this, a study published in 2018 suggested that the leaves of this plant have an antibacterial effect. In fact, it was concluded that the methanolic extract of fig leaves could be used to create antibiotics against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherechia coli .

On the other hand, WebMD assures that figs would be effective against constipation. This is due to the fiber content (approximately 12 mg / 100 g) present in its tiny seeds.

They would be expectorant and anti-inflammatory

A clinical trial published in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research found among its results that figs, in combination with olive oil, would have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, its consumption is usually recommended in case of colds with a lot of mucus and allergies.

Figs would help you take care of bone health

Figs have among their nutrients calcium and folic acid. Thus, they have been included in the WebMD ranking of superfoods for bones because their regular consumption would strengthen the bones and help prevent decalcification.

In the case of women, it would be advisable to include it in the regular diet since the hormonal changes associated with menopause could generate a calcium deficit.

They have antioxidant properties

Research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition concluded that dried fruits, especially figs, have phenolic substances with antioxidant effects. These protect the body from the action of free radicals, molecules that can cause oxidative stress and generate premature aging and / or chronic diseases.

Fig remedy to eliminate stomach bacteria

Eliminate-bacteria-in-the-stomach-eating- figs

What I need?

  • 20 or 30 dried figs
  • Extra virgin olive oil (enough to cover the glass jars of your choice)
  • 2 glass jars

Preparation of the remedy to eliminate stomach bacteria

Alternative medicine advises eating figs marinated in olive oil as you will see below every time you suffer from an upset stomach. Of course, from Better with Health, we remind you that in the event of discomfort it is best to go to the doctor.

Either way, you can try this home remedy since its consumption should not make your condition worse. Try eating a couple of marinated figs with a slice of bread. It’s delicious!

  • You will need at least 20-30 dried figs. Enough to prepare the necessary quantity for 10 to 12 days.
  • To start, cut those dried figs in half, and then put them in the glass jars. Make sure the jars are well clean and sterilized.
  • Once you have put them in the jars, fill them with extra virgin olive oil. Very easy!
  • Then, let them marinate for between a month and 45 days.

In summary, figs exhibit interesting stomach-protective potential. However, there is no 100% reliable data on these benefits. For this reason, if you suffer from any stomach discomfort, we recommend that you visit your doctor to receive the most appropriate treatment for your needs.

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