Natural Remedies To Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a painful process that can occur due to different ailments. We share with you some natural remedies that could help you alleviate it, although, of course, you should go to the doctor first.

Many diseases manifest themselves by causing us discomfort: from muscle or joint pain to inflammation of the skin, throat, eyes, gums, ears, liver, kidney, intestine, etc. Now, did you know that there are some natural remedies that are attributed properties to reduce inflammation?

According to natural medicine, there would be some resources within our daily reach that would help us reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. Here we will introduce you to what they are.

Foods against inflammation

Natural medicine for inflammation

Before telling you which are the foods that supposedly best act to help reduce inflammation, it is worth noting that modifying your diet could help you combat the problem but it does not exempt you from visiting the doctor. Faced with inflammation, you should consult a specialist.

An in vitro study from 2012 indicated that both green tea and black tea would have anti-inflammatory properties that could help alleviate certain symptoms, due to their contribution of flavonoids.

Later, research published in Anti-inflammatory and Anti-allergy Agents in Medical Chemistry found that the intake of green tea could improve the quality of life in animals with chronic inflammatory processes. However, human studies would be necessary to corroborate these results.

On the other hand, the phenolic components of olive oil would also give it anti-inflammatory properties that you could take advantage of by ingesting it daily. Also broccoli, spinach, raisins and apple would have anti-inflammatory effects.

Apply hot and cold

Specialists usually recommend both cold and heat as tools to relieve inflammation but in different circumstances or stages of it. This ailment sometimes needs cold, especially when the inflamed areas are hot and red.

Other times instead they require heat, when we feel that the inflamed area is cold. It will be enough that we touch the skin of the inflamed area to know it.  However, whenever you have doubts, consult a health specialist!

  • If we need heat we could apply an electric mat, a heated bag of seeds or a hot water bottle.
  • If we need cold, an ice bag covered with a cloth could be used.

Quark or curd wraps (For cold)

An alternative widely used in natural medicine, for example to reduce inflammation of the breasts during breastfeeding, is a plaster of Quark cheese or curd. This ingredient is used due to its freshness and its richness in calcium and phosphate; essential minerals for bone health. It is usually recommended to apply directly to the skin, cover it with a cloth and leave it to act for about 15 minutes.

Cloth bag with sand (For Heat)

Natural Remedies To Reduce Inflammation

It is a resource to generate local heat: it would maintain its temperature for several minutes and would not cause burns in the area to be treated. It is simply a cloth bag with sand inside. This pouch is heated and may help relieve inflammation.

Both sand and hot stones have been used for years in alternative treatments for different ailments.

Oils for hot and cold effect

Various investigations have pointed out the anti-inflammatory effects of some essential oils. However, vegetable and essential oils can have opposite effects. Some cool and others warm. We point out what they are:

  • Essential oils that refresh:  cypress, mint.
  • Essential oils that give heat:  ginger, cinnamon.

We will  mix these essential oils with vegetable oils, adding only a few drops with more of these base oils:

  • Cold base oils : coconut, almond.
  • Neutral base:  sesame.
  • Hot base oils : olive.

Lavender remedy

If the inflammation is due to a blow, you can make a simple toner with lavender since, according to an article published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , it would have anti-inflammatory activity.


  • Dried lavender flowers.
  • Chopped sage
  • 500 ml. of water.
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil.


Mix the flowers with the sage and water in a saucepan, letting it boil for about 20 minutes. Then strain it and let it cool. Add the lavender essential oil and mix everything well.

The resulting ointment can be applied to the area to be treated with a towel, a cloth, cotton or with a compress. Try to press so that all the juices come out.

In case of having any type of inflammation, consult your doctor. Remember that home remedies can help momentarily reduce inflammation but do not act as a treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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