Savory Stuffed Cannolis

Has it ever occurred to you to prepare some savory stuffed cannolis?  This variant is ideal to serve as tapas, entrees or also as a side to meat. It is the reinvention of a great Italian pastry chef.

Cannolo, plural cannolis, is a typical sweet from the Sicilian region. Although it is identified with the carnival festivities, it is currently consumed throughout the year. It has become popular to the point that today there is no bakery that does not offer it.

Here we propose to recreate this delicious dessert and show you that you can make delicious and ingenious things by changing just a few ingredients. In this way, you transform this dish into the main one on the menu.

Also read 2 Italian soup recipes

Recipe for preparing savory stuffed cannolis

Ingredients for the dough

  • 250 grams of non-rising wheat flour and a little more to flour the dough and the work area
  • 80 grams of margarine or vegetable shortening
  • a pinch of salt
  • Egg
  • ¼ cup of water
  • Sunflower oil for frying

Ingredients for the filling of goat cheese, herbs and dried tomatoes

subsequent epicure cheese

  • 100 grams of milk cream
  • 100 grams of ricotta cheese
  • 150 grams of goat cheese
  • Fine fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary)
  • Chives cut into brunoise (optional)
  • Finely chopped dried tomatoes

Ingredients for the pizza filling:

  • 100 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • Three concassé tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Onion cut into brunoise
  • ½ carrot cut into brunoise
  • Oregano powder
  • Three cloves of garlic, mashed
  • ¼ cup of red wine
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh basil
  • ½ cup tomato paste or puree

Preparation of the savory stuffed cannolis

Preparation of the dough:

  1. First, in a large bowl  we combine all the dry ingredients, the 250 grams of non-leavened wheat flour, the salt and also the small pieces of butter or shortening.
  2. Then, we mix these ingredients very well and place in the shape of a volcano on a previously floured table.
  3. Next, in the center of the volcano,  we add the egg and the water and begin to knead very well until we obtain a soft and flexible dough.
  4. After kneading very well, we keep in a dry container that we cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
  5. While the dough rests in the refrigerator, we begin to prepare the fillings.

Preparation of the goat cheese and fine herbs filling:

  • For the goat cheese and fine herbs filling, all you have to do is add all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix well until you get a compact and uniform cream.


Preparation of the pizza filling

  1. First, we put the concassé tomatoes (without skin or seeds), the onion cut into brunoise, also the crushed garlic, the carrot and the mushrooms to the fire and let them fry.
  2. Then we add the oregano powder, the salt, the pepper and the finely chopped basil.
  3. Then, we add the tomato paste or puree to the preparation and then the red wine.
  4. We let the sauce thicken a little. If necessary, add a little cornstarch. At this point, depending on your taste, you could add ham, chorizo, or pepperoni to the sauce.
  5. Next, we grate the 100 grams of mozzarella cheese and preserve.
  6. One part of the cheese is mixed with the sauce when filling the cannolis, and the other part will be spread over the cannolis filling so that it melts with its own heat. In fact, we could gratin the cheese by taking the stuffed cannolis in the oven for a few minutes.
  7. Finally, we decorate with a basil leaf.

Frying and assembling the cannolis

  1. After preparing the fillings, we continue with the preparation of the wheat flour cannolis.
  2. After the dough has rested, we take it out of the refrigerator, spread it with the help of a rolling pin and then cut it into circles of approximately 10-12 centimeters in diameter.
  3. Meanwhile, in a deep pot we put enough oil to fry the cannolis. The oil must have a temperature of 190ºC.
  4. So, we roll the dough circles in cannolis molds and seal both ends with a little water.
  5. Then, with the help of a tweezers, we introduce in the oil until golden.
  6. Remove and place on a napkin or absorbent paper.
  7. Finally, we  fill with the creams and decorate to taste, and this is how our savory stuffed cannolis are armed.

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