According To A Study, Rice Bran Can Protect Us From Heart Problems

Until now, rice bran has been part of the animal diet. It was a simple waste product. However, years ago scientists gave the warning voice: we are missing the best of rice, a part with incredible antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering and antidiabetic properties.

Next, we give you all the data. And you know … From now on, include this wonderful food proposal in your diet.

Rice bran

Rice bran is still not very common in much of our diets. However, it has started to be introduced with great success, as are, for example, chia seeds or quinoa.

Now, what really is rice bran? Is it perhaps some variety of rice that we have overlooked? In reality, it is only the product resulting from the grinding of the outermost layers of the grain.

Thus, it is not the grain, but the powder of the grain that, in reality, the most beneficial part of the cereal is contained. Next we will tell you about a study that confirms its healing virtues.

Rice bran heals cardiovascular ailments

We know that the statement may seem somewhat excessive. How can rice bran take care of our heart or even help cure some ailments?

Just a while ago an interesting study was published in the journal Atherosclerosis . In it, the research carried out by a group of scientists from the University of Seville (Spain) is detailed.

The results are encouraging and reveal something that other scientists had already advanced: rice bran protects us from atherosclerosis, cholesterol or inflammation.

Rice bran and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a very common ailment. However, the fact that it is common does not mean that we should not give it importance. Quite the opposite. We are facing a silent disease with serious consequences.

  • It is a process where various lipids, such as cholesterol, harden the blood vessels.
  • This slow but continuous process hinders adequate blood flow, while favoring the possible appearance of thrombi, myocardial infarctions or stroke.
  • An incorrect diet rich in  harmful fats  accelerates the formation of these plaques.

However, there are other nutritional proposals that tend to solve this problem. One of these suggestions is undoubtedly rice bran.

Reduce the cholesterol

The American Heart Association states that both rice bran and its oil are rich in monounsaturated fats. These types of fatty acids not only improve the health of our heart, but also take care of our cholesterol levels.

  • Rice bran reduces bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • In countries like Japan, they have been consuming rice bran for centuries. His heart health, in general, is much better than the American, to eat a richer and more balanced diet in terms of fatty acids.

    Rice bran is rich in fiber

    rice bran

    Fiber, despite not providing us with any nutrients, is essential for our health and well-being. Not only does it allow us to regulate our intestinal transit, but it also helps us eliminate cholesterol plaques and promote heart health.

    • You will also be interested to know that bran is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber.
    • In turn, this component is essential when it comes to regulating our weight. It does so because it improves our digestion, and offers us a great feeling of satiety.

    Keeps the heart young

    We know that the passage of time is inevitable, but what is optional is to take care of ourselves every day. Going for a walk, eating well, not smoking, drinking water, taking care of our sources of stress …

    • All these factors undoubtedly make our hearts cope with the passage of time in the best possible way. Now, introducing rice bran in our diet will also help us.
    • The vitamin E in rice bran protects us from  free radicals that attack our tissues. In turn, its high antioxidant content reduces hardening of the arteries, promotes cell regeneration and lowers inflammation.

    How should we consume rice bran

    rice bran

    You will find rice bran in any health food store or in the specialized section of your supermarket. Those responsible for this research indicate, in turn, that, to obtain adequate benefits, the ideal is to take between 5 or 15 grams of rice bran each day.

    • You can consume it in many ways, and combine it in both sweet and savory recipes. Likewise, we can also make imaginative proposals based on rice bran biscuits and of course, breads.

    Consume it as you wish, but be consistent. Make it present in your diet.

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