The Incredible Story Of Mbah Gotho, The Man Who Claims To Be 145 Years Old

They say that death has forgotten Mr. Mbah Gotho. They also comment that the official records are authentic, and that this old man is no more and no less than 145 years old.

Hard to believe. However, and despite being used to reading the testimonies of people who cross the century-old barrier, we have never known such a case. We explain it to you below.

There is a detail that does not go unnoticed: Mr. Gotho does not want to live any longer. In his own words “I wait for death without fear and in a calm way, although it seems that he wants to avoid me.”

Many long to know the secret of their longevity; the response that the protagonist himself reveals to us is very beautiful.

Mr Mbah Gotho’s Longevity Secret

Mbah Gotho was born on December 31, 1870. This is proven by his identity document and even the official records of the island of Java, where he resides and where he came to the world 145 years ago.

If true we would be, without a doubt, before the oldest person ever known. So far the record is held by Jeanne Calment (1875-1997), a French lady who died at the age of 122.


Now, it is very possible that you are wondering why Mr. Mbah Gotho is not in the Guinness Book of Records. The answer is simple:

  • All the official data we have on Mr. Gotho’s date of birth are on the island of Java.
  • To enter the Guinness Book you need a third independent verification source, which is not available.

If this is so, it is only because external official records did not begin to normalize until the 20th century.

Despite not having that accreditation as “the oldest man”, everyone accepts that his age is authentic. That Mr. Gotho is almost a century and a half old. It’s amazing.

Many relatives left behind

A long life offers multiple opportunities. It allows us to learn, correct, amend and even restart “many lives.” Mbah Gotho has led, according to him, a good existence, but now only sad memories remain.

  • He has buried 4 wives. He has said goodbye to all his children and also to all his siblings: 10 in total.
  • You know very well that yours is not natural. That the law of life marks that children bury their parents and never vice versa.

Waking up every morning is wrapping yourself in infinite memories of people who no longer exist. Echoes of a past that remind you of your longevity and force you to wonder why.

For what reason is he still there while those who gave him so much love have been resting for a long time. But Mr. Mbah Gotho resigned and settled for his humble life, surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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The secret of its longevity

The ingredients of its long life, according to its protagonist, are two:

  • The first is having been cared for by people who loved him. Love is the engine of life and a reason to fight every day in the hope of continuing to share time with loved ones.
  • The second ingredient has to do with the culture of the island of Java. In these lands there is a beautiful proverb that should be borne in mind: “who has patience lives longer”.

Mr. Mbah Gotho tells us that he has always been a very patient person. He has always focused his existence towards acceptance, to letting things go their way, to watching calmly, not to getting angry.

So much so that their own grandchildren humorously indicate that their grandfather never complains about anything. He accepts everything they offer him to eat and every attention received without asking for anything.

A lucid mind that wants to leave

The only wish that Mr. Gotho had has been waiting for him for more than 20 years: a tombstone and a place to rest when death wants to close his eyes to reunite him with hers.

  • However, that day has not yet come and the neighbors and friends of the oldest man in the world want to keep him a little longer by their side.
  • It doesn’t matter that he barely sees, it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t stand up for himself either. Mbah Gotho is a source of wisdom that narrates with a clear mind facts from a past that no one remembers.

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His people appreciate him because he is a hero, because he fought against invaders, and because he fought the Japanese in war. Also because, throughout his life, he has worked with his hands to support his family.

However, despite the admiration of yours, we all understand your wish. Because life is heavy, because the years bring tiredness, old age and, above all, that goodbye to loved ones.

The oldest man in the world only wants to close his eyes, because his has been a full life. And  like all good warriors, he longs for his well-deserved rest.

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