Diet Model To Lower Triglycerides

Although it is possible that if our triglyceride levels are very high it is necessary to resort to pharmacological help, we can control hypertriglycerides through diet if we make the right choices.

Hypertriglyceridemia or, as we know it more commonly, high triglycerides, is a condition in which the amount of saturated fat in our body is excessive. When this situation occurs, it is urgent to take measures to lower triglycerides. Therefore, today we bring you information about them and what you can do through the diet to lower triglycerides. Otherwise, our health could be seriously endangered.

Risk of high triglycerides

What we call triglycerides are the saturated fats that are generated in our body. These are produced from fatty acids.

When the production of triglycerides exceeds the normality standards (150 mg / dl), it is considered that we enter a state of hypertriglyceridemia. This must be treated immediately as it could lead to atherosclerosis in the long run.

If your levels are high, it is best to see your doctor immediately for proper treatment.

Also, you can supplement this with a diet to lower triglycerides. This should contain mostly foods low in saturated fat.


High triglycerides can be the consequence of several factors. Among them we find:

  • Genetics. A family history of hypertriglyceridemia puts us at greater risk of developing it in our lifetime.
  • Poor diet. Excessive intake of fat and protein, coupled with a lack of fiber, leads to high production of triglycerides.
  • Obesity and overweight. People who are overweight are at a higher risk of having high triglycerides. Therefore, they should control it as much as possible.
  • Lack of physical exercise. Together with a poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the possibility of developing hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Snuff. Smoking is harmful for many, many reasons. In this case, because it raises triglyceride levels.

    How to lower high triglycerides with diet

    In addition to the medication that your doctor may prescribe, it is essential to follow a diet to lower high triglycerides. Foods to help treat hypertriglyceridemia will be included in this eating plan.

    Diet to lower triglycerides

    Dairy foods

    Fortunately, with measures as simple as improving our diet we can normalize the production of these elements.

    Below we detail some foods that you can consider as your allies to lower triglycerides and bring them to normal levels.

    • Skim dairy. You can eat yogurt, skim milk, or diet cheese.
    • Eggs. You can eat egg whites daily. However, the yolks should not be consumed more than three times a week until your triglyceride levels drop to normal levels.
    • Carnes. Prefer lean meats or chicken breast. You can also afford to eat beef twice a week. In any case, the cooking method must be grilled, broiled or baked. In addition, it is preferable to take meat fish, especially saltwater fish.
    • Almost all vegetables, preferably raw.
    • Whole grains. The most beneficial for you if you have high triglycerides are oats, wheat germ, wheat bran, and brown rice. These contain fiber, which will help you eliminate lipids.
    • Fruits. Better still if it is fruits that can be eaten with the skin, since most of the fiber resides there.
    • Water and juices. Look for the juices to be natural fruit. These contain more vitamins and minerals.

    Foods to avoid

    chips with salt

    A person with high triglycerides should refrain from certain products to bring triglyceride levels back to normal. Next, we mention what you should not eat.

    • Sweet. You should avoid sweets in general. At most, you can occasionally afford to consume a little diet jam.
    • Coffee. While on a triglyceride-lowering diet, avoid drinking coffee. Especially in excess. However, you can drink one from time to time.
    • Carbonated beverages. Eliminate the intake of sodas and pasteurized beverages. Remember that they have high amounts of sugar and other chemicals.
    • Seasonings. Generally, those with high triglycerides also have high blood pressure. Therefore, decrease the amount of salt.
    • Aguacate. Although it is very tasty, you must eliminate it from your diet to lower triglycerides, as it contains fatty acids. You can eat one every so often, but not in large quantities.
    • Coco. Although it may not seem like it at first glance, coconut contains fat, so we must eliminate it from our diet if we want to lower triglycerides.
    • Fried foods. The worst enemy to your health if you have high triglycerides are fried foods. Avoid them at all costs, as they immediately impact your triglyceride levels. Instead, grill, roast, bake, or grill.
    • Packaged goodies. Forget, for example, packaged sandwiches, as they tend to have high fat content. And not just any type of fat, but saturated and trans. These are the ones that can be considered bad and can drastically raise your triglyceride levels.


    We must finish by giving you the best recommendation if you have high triglycerides: go to specialized medical attention. If your triglyceride levels are slightly elevated it may be that only with the diet you can return to normal levels. However, if it is very high triglycerides, other measures will need to be taken, such as medication.

    In addition, regular exercise can also be very beneficial in helping to lower triglyceride levels. Therefore, do not hesitate to join a sport or exercise on your own.

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