Can Cosmetics Irritate The Skin?

Cosmetics can irritate the skin, causing effects such as redness and inflammation. If this happens too frequently, it can damage the skin. All cosmetics, even hypoallergenic ones, can cause adverse effects.

Figures indicate that just two decades ago, 15% of contact dermatitis was caused by cosmetics. Today that figure has doubled. This means that cosmetics can irritate the skin and that their use has increased this problem.

It is estimated that the cosmetic industry uses around 8,000 elements in the production of its products. With such a volume, it is clear that one or more of these cosmetic components can irritate the skin, but it is not easy to detect which of them affects a particular person.

Cosmetics can irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction. These are two different processes. The irritation manifests itself as redness and inflammation, mainly. In the allergic reaction, on the other hand, there is itching, itching, burning and often blisters form.

Can cosmetics irritate the skin?

Can cosmetics irritate the skin?

It is clear that cosmetics can irritate the skin. Let us remember that the skin is the largest organ in the body and that it is also a route of penetration for many chemical agents. In technical terms, the adverse reaction to some element or component is called contact dermatitis . This can be irritating or allergic.

There is no one hundred percent safe cosmetic. All cosmetics can irritate the skin to a greater or lesser extent. These can include everyday soaps and shaving foams for men, not just makeup.

Likewise, no one is exempt from suffering contact dermatitis from the use of cosmetics. Obviously, people with atopic skin are more prone to this happening . So are those with a history of rhinitis or allergic conjunctivitis.

Irritant components

Generally speaking, perfumes and preservatives are the elements responsible for most skin irritations and allergies. In particular, it has been established that the following cosmetic compounds can irritate the skin more frequently:

  • Ammonia . It is present mainly in hair dyes and products that are used to make perms. Produces irritation or allergic reaction.
  • Sulfate . It is a component of many shampoos, in the form of sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. It is important to check the label of the shampoo when you feel dry or itchy on the scalp, after using the product.
  • Eye shadow colorants . Its effect is manifested as redness, inflammation of the eyes, and even tearing.
  • Retinol . It is the star component of many of the anti aging creams. Some people find it irritating and dry.
  • Salicylic acid . It is mainly found in anti-blemish creams. In some cases, it not only increases blemishes, but also causes additional irritation.
  • Glycolic acid . Sometimes it causes redness, dryness, or burning. It’s mostly in exfoliating products. In those cases, it is better to use products with lactic acid.
  • Fragrances . They are associated with skin irritation on multiple occasions.
  • Aluminum and toluene. Aluminum-containing deodorants have been frequently associated with skin irritation. The same goes for nail polishes that contain toluene, formaldehyde, or DBP.
  • Others . These components have significant potential for irritation or allergy: euxyl K-400 , kathon and Peruvian balsam, in compact powders; the propyl gallate, the octyl gallate and mercury, in the lipsticks; nickel sulfate, in masks for eyelashes and eyeliner; and thiomersal in the eyeshadows.

Data to keep in mind

Cosmetics can irritate the skin

Cosmetic often causes irritative or allergic reaction, but n or can be ruled out that there is some previous problems may be the cause of that reaction . When there is irritation very frequently, or it is very intense, it is always necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Typically, irritation appears shortly after using the product. Therefore, it is very important to be careful to identify the cause of the problem. Sometimes it is enough to simply avoid the product that causes the reaction and everything is solved.

Also cosmetics can irritate the skin if not used properly. These have an expiration date, after which they can cause not only minor adverse reactions, but an infection. These types of products should be stored in dry and cool places, otherwise they change their composition.

Also, it is necessary to keep all makeup items clean. Brushes, brushes, applicators, etc., need to be washed frequently. Such items are for personal use only and it is not appropriate to share them.

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