10 Curiosities About Your Body That Will Surprise You: Discover Them!

In our space, we talk about how to take care of your health and how to apply simple remedies in your day to day to promote your well-being and enhance your beauty.

We love being able to help you and teach you new things at all times so, what if today we fix our attention on our body ?

This near-perfect machine to keep fit and care for remains a mystery at times. Your body is unique and special, there is no doubt, but we all share curious secrets that we want to reveal to you today. Ready?

Curiosities about our body

1. Digestions

Human body digestion

In our space we speak to you very often about the importance of resting properly at night. It is that moment in which our lymphatic system performs its purification tasks.

In addition, growth hormone is secreted in the case of children. Obviously, if you are already an adult, your height will not change, but what will grow is your hair: between 2 and 3 mm per week.

8. We produce about 3 grams of antibodies a day

A really curious fact about our body! The immune system is capable of producing about 3 grams of antibodies daily to protect us from microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. If it weren’t for them, we would get sick almost every moment.

9. Do you usually blush?

to blush

If you are one of those people who tend to blush at the least and show an attractive pink color on their cheeks, you should know that, at that very moment, the mucosa of your stomach does too.

It is worth remembering that famous theory that “the stomach is our second brain”, where many of our emotions are also concentrated.

10. Our belly button Source of bacteria!

Did you know that an authentic ecosystem of bacteria is stored in our navel? Remember to keep it clean and not forget about that attractive area of ​​our waist.

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