Can You Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar?

Is it possible to lose weight with apple cider vinegar? Losing weight can be essential if we have a health problem or if we just want to look better. But, instead of resorting to medicines, we can use apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is digestive, diuretic, and rich in potassium. A typical grandmother’s remedy to solve gas problems and heavy digestion. Today we will discover how to take this remedy to obtain all its advantages.

Lose weight with apple cider vinegar

Surely some of us have heard our grandmothers advise us to drink a glass with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Not to lose weight, but to solve and calm digestive problems that we could have.

Well, today we will talk about the possibility of using apple cider vinegar to lose weight. Although, we have to be clear that this will be a help, a product that will allow us to reach the desired weight. But, for this to take effect, we have to change our diet.

Apple vinager

Such are the benefits of apple cider vinegar that a thesis was even made on the matter in which a slimming drink based on celery and apple cider vinegar is proposed. We recommend that you take a look at it because it is very interesting.

Properties of apple cider vinegar

Now that we know that apple cider vinegar can help us lose weight if we include it in our diet, we are going to see some of the most important properties it contains.

We will discover how each of them can help us when we want to lose weight. In addition, we will realize that they will allow us to improve our health.

1. It is a great intestinal cleanser

Weight loss with apple cider vinegar is possible because this product has an element known as acetic acid. This helps prevent constipation, preventing bacteria from accumulating causing toxins, gases and putrefaction.

If we have slow digestion or colic, we can take apple cider vinegar after the last meal we have for the day. In this way, we will help our body to purify itself and purge itself of everything it does not need.

Likewise, according to a study published in Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry,  apple cider vinegar improves the digestion of fats, favoring the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides.

2. Apple cider vinegar is satiating

One of the reasons why it is possible to lose weight with apple cider vinegar is because it produces a satiating effect. Therefore, it is ideal to drink a glass of water with one or two tablespoons of vinegar before each meal.

According to this publication of the BMC gastroenterology,  apple cider vinegar slows down the emptying of the stomach, so it works longer, causing it to take longer for the appetite to return.

Drinking water

Doing this will prevent us from eating more than we should. This is very effective if we have a party or family meal where we know we may eat too much.

3. It is very rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential. Many people may know this vitamin by the name of “retinol” as it helps the proper functioning of the retina. In addition to this, vitamin A strengthens the immune system and is beneficial for the heart, lungs and kidneys. An easy way to obtain it is through apple cider vinegar, although there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

4. Apple cider vinegar is a great diuretic

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent diuretic thanks to potassium. This mineral slightly alkalizes our blood pH, preventing dizziness, fluid retention, cramps … This allows us to feel much lighter and helps our digestive system to cleanse itself. If we suffer from swelling, apple cider vinegar is ideal. Although, there is no recent scientific research that corroborates these data.

5. Improves glucose levels

As this article published in  Medscape General Medicine shows,  apple cider vinegar improves glucose levels due to the slow emptying effect of the stomach that we have already mentioned. In this sense, insulin will not produce rapid drops and rises, a fact that favors the appearance of appetite.

How should we take apple cider vinegar to lose weight?

The ideal way to lose weight with apple cider vinegar is that we take it before meals. Before breakfast, lunch or dinner. We will dissolve a tablespoon in water and that’s it.

Many people add a small spoonful of the skin so it doesn’t taste so bitter. Although, this is not necessary. If taken quickly, apple cider vinegar can be taken without any type of sweetener.

It is important to be consistent in taking this remedy. The reason is that being natural its effects will only be seen in the long term. In addition, we must take apple cider vinegar along with a healthy and balanced meal. If we always eat hamburgers or cakes, it won’t do any good.

Try to lose weight with apple cider vinegar by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. We encourage you to give this product a try and tell us about your experience with it.

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