Preparation Of Homemade Yogurt

It is not difficult at all to make homemade yogurt. We only have to have some necessary ingredients that we almost always have on hand and the desire to eat in a more natural and fresh way. In addition, this option is more than interesting if you are a lover of nature.

How to make homemade yogurt

Making your own homemade yogurt only takes a little time. And you won’t need any special accessories or gadgets either. The best: that the result is delicious. You dare? Then take note.


For this homemade yogurt recipe you only need two basic ingredients, and you will surely have them at home:

  • Milk (necessary amount depending on how much yogurt you want to make)
  • Natural unsweetened yogurt (one tablespoon for every half liter of milk)

In addition to these ingredients, you will need some basic utensils to be able to make your homemade yogurt:

  • Glass jars that we have at home, clean and dry.
  • A spoon.
  • An insulator to conserve heat : it can be cardboard, newspaper, blanket, cork, thermos, etc.
  • A thermometer that reaches 90 ° (available in stores that sell laboratory supplies).


  1. First, put a tablespoon of yogurt in each jar.
  2. Then heat the milk over low heat until it reaches 85 ° C. Stir so it doesn’t stick to the bottom. This will take about ten minutes. If you don’t have a thermometer, it doesn’t matter, you should turn off the heat when the liquid smokes and rises a bit.
  3. Stir the milk to lower its temperature to about 45 ° C. It may take up to half an hour, depending on the weather and the ambient heat. To know when it is, place your little finger, if it burns a little but you can hold on, that’s it.
  4. Pour the milk into the jars and try to fill them to the top.
  5. Stir vigorously with a spoon to blend into the yogurt.
  6. Cover tightly and store in a place where the heat is kept. So they should stay six hours, in the hottest area of ​​the home.
  7. Once this time has passed, put them in the fridge and in four hours they will have thickened.

It’s that simple, your homemade yogurt is ready to eat. If you don’t open the jar, you can leave it for up to 10 days. Once you open it, no more than 6.

What are the advantages of making homemade yogurt?

Homemade yogurt

Making homemade yogurt has many advantages. These are just some of them:

  • It has no preservatives or additives.
  • It offers nutrients that are not denatured by industrial processes.
  • We eat it right after preparing it.
  • If we use organic yogurt and milk it will be even healthier.
  • It is educational because we can do it with our children.
  • We can recycle the jars and use them as many times as we want, the taste being better than in plastic
  • We will save energy, infrastructure, transportation, pollution, etc.
  • It will be cheaper than buying it and it is more delicious.

    Reasons to consume yogurts

    If you include yogurt in your regular diet, your body will notice it. It is a delicious product, with few calories and that provides several benefits. We are going to list just some of them:

    • According to data from the Heart Foundation, yogurt is a source of vitamins of group B and A and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Therefore, it is perfect for everyone, but especially for children and the elderly.
    • It would help fight constipation and reestablish the intestinal flora. In fact, the Fundación del Corazón points out that the consumption of yogurt would improve the symptoms of lactose intolerance and even serve as prevention and treatment of diarrhea, mainly caused by rotavirus or the intake of antibiotics.
    • The researchers concluded that the consumption of homemade yogurt could be beneficial as a treatment support to achieve remission of irritable bowel syndrome, the disease, after conducting a study in 189 patients. However, further studies are needed in this regard.
    • It would help improve the immune system due to its probiotic content. This is because various studies have associated a low number of bacteria in the body with an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and chronic inflammations, such as Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Topically, it would make a good ingredient for skin and hair beauty treatments. While there have been some studies on the effect of fermented products on the skin and even encouraging results have been obtained, further research is necessary as the data has not been conclusive.

    As you can see, having yogurt every day could help your body stay healthy. You can have it for breakfast, as a dessert or as a snack. You choose!

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