What I Think Defines My Reality

If I think everything is going to go wrong for me, it will. If I think they are going to hurt me, they will. And it is that, although we do not realize it, what we think defines our reality.

We are not aware of the great power we have with our thoughts. We believe that they are just ideas that swarm through our minds, but what if because of them our life turns in one direction or another?

The reality we see is in our mind. That is why various situations that happen to us and to which we do not pay due attention can be explained.

Always meet the same kind of people


Have you ever been in a relationship and they have been unfaithful to you? Has this happened to you repeatedly throughout subsequent relationships?

You may not realize it, but you have immersed yourself in a loop that only you can get out of. Because it’s not your partner’s fault. Ultimately, it is a shared responsibility.

If you meet the same type of people over and over again, you should review how you enter into relationships. Perhaps you are too permissive from the beginning and you submit. Or maybe you’re trying to hog too much and overwhelm your partner.

Also, it is possible that your expectations, always high, play a trick on you and that you do not know how to see the type of person with whom you are actually starting a relationship.

Of course, keep in mind that, if the same relationship pattern is repeated, there is something that you must modify in yourself. Because what you are thinking ” everything bad happens to me “, ” all my partners are unfaithful ” is defining your reality, it is causing you to attract more people like that.

When the thoughts you hold are very negative, they themselves affect your emotions and therefore also the way you behave.

Also read The people you attract are the reflection of who you are

The self-fulfilling prophecy



If I think that my partner is going to be unfaithful to me and I enter a relationship with that fear, it is likely that this will happen and become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This happens more times than we think and it is that the fear that we have when starting any relationship, project or something else will manifest itself, sooner or later.

With our mind, we create what will come true sooner or later. Our fears and fears will take shape and we will have to deal with them.

So what about self-fulfilling prophecies? They are often repeated because, instead of facing our fears, we act on them. And that, finally, causes what we fear to happen.

If I change what I think, I will change my reality

The solution to all this is very simple. I just have to change what I think and my reality will be modified in an amazing way.

If I stop thinking that people always want to cheat on me, this will stop happening.

However, it does not mean that it will never happen again.

Of course, at some point I can be deceived, but if I don’t start complaining and thinking that then everyone wants to deceive me, it will take a long time, or perhaps I will never find myself in this situation again.

Thoughts are very powerful. That is why it is important that we stop using them against us and start doing it for us.

If we make the most of it, our life will take a 180 degree turn.

We tend to fall into victimhood. We love to complain and ruminate over and over negative thoughts that get us nowhere and sometimes cause us anxiety and even depression.

We stay in our comfort zone doing nothing, waiting for things to sort themselves out while trusting that one day we will stop having bad luck.


You have the power to change everything that is happening. You simply have to change your perspective and observe what happens to you in a different way. Give priority to your positive thoughts and discard all negative ones. Think that everything negative always has a positive part. Why don’t you try to see it? Your thoughts will affect your emotions and therefore also the way you behave.

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